我构建了一个使用 Linenanjs 构建的 Angular 1 应用程序。我正在将其迁移到 Angular 2。我已经集成了 Typescript 并删除了 ng-app。下一步是集成 Angular 2 库并开始实际迁移。
在我这样做之前,我想看看是否有人这样做并且有关于将 Angular 2 模块集成到 Angular 1 应用程序中的最佳实践的建议/食谱。
我开始这个旅程的目的是将新的 NG2 与现有的 NG1 构建过程集成;这似乎是合理的,因为我的目标是为混合 NG1 / NG2 应用程序的开发构建一个环境。
NG1 和 NG2 的构建方式存在根本区别:
在构建 NG1 / NG2 集成构建环境的过程中,我得出的结论是,正确的做法是构建 NG2 环境,使其与 NG1 环境完全分离,但共存。一旦我得出这个结论,很明显这是正确的方法,因为一旦我们将所有 NG1 软件迁移到 NG2,我们还希望无缝删除所有 NG1 构建工件和软件,如果这两者很难做到紧紧地交织在一起。
请参阅下面的我的 config/files.js 代码和一些随后的评论:
module.exports = function(lineman) {
//Override file patterns here
return {
dlabs: {
targetIq: "../../../target/iq"
js: {
vendor: [
app: [
concatenatedVendor: "generated/js/appVendor.js",
"minifiedVendor": "dist/js/appVendor.js",
less: {
compile: {
options: {
paths: [
ng2: {
libs: [
css: [
// used in conjunction with the CWD option
html: [
// used in conjunction with the CWD option
"systemjs": {
generated: "generated/",
dist: "dist/"
ts: [
// used in conjunction with the CWD option
generated: "generated/ng2",
dist: "dist/ng2"
webfonts: {
root: "fonts"
请参阅下面的我的 config/application.js 代码和一些随后的评论:
/* Exports a function which returns an object that overrides the default &
* plugin grunt configuration object.
* You can familiarize yourself with Lineman"s defaults by checking out:
* - https://github.com/linemanjs/lineman/blob/master/config/application.coffee
* - https://github.com/linemanjs/lineman/blob/master/config/plugins
* You can also ask Lineman"s about config from the command line:
* $ lineman config #=> to print the entire config
* $ lineman config concat.js #=> to see the JS config for the concat task.
module.exports = function(lineman) {
var app = lineman.config.application;
//Override application configuration here. Common examples follow in the comments.
return {
// grunt-angular-templates assumes your module is named "app", but
// you can override it like so:
// ngtemplates: {
// options: {
// module: "myModuleName"
// }
// }
server: {
pushState: true
// API Proxying
// During development, you"ll likely want to make XHR (AJAX) requests to an API on the same
// port as your lineman development server. By enabling the API proxy and setting the port, all
// requests for paths that don"t match a static asset in ./generated will be forwarded to
// whatever service might be running on the specified port.
// apiProxy: {
// enabled: true,
// host: "localhost",
// port: 3000
// }
loadNpmTasks: lineman.config.application.loadNpmTasks.concat("grunt-contrib-copy", "grunt-exec", "grunt-contrib-clean", "grunt-ts"),
/* *************************************************************************************************************
* Task Definition
************************************************************************************************************ */
clean: {
"vendor": ["vendor"],
"generated": {
src: "<%= files.ng2.generated %>" + "/*",
options: {
force: true
"targetIq": {
src: "<%= files.dlabs.targetIq %>" + "/*",
options: {
force: true
"concat_sourcemap": {
"js": {
"src": [
"<%= files.js.app %>",
"<%= files.coffee.generated %>",
"<%= files.template.generated %>"
"dest": "<%= files.js.concatenated %>"
"vendor": {
"src": [
"<%= files.js.vendor %>"
"dest": "<%= files.js.concatenatedVendor %>"
copy: {
"dl-deploy-dev": {
files: [
expand: true,
cwd: "generated/",
src: ["**"],
dest: "<%= files.dlabs.targetIq %>"
expand: true,
flatten: true,
dest: "../../../target/iq/css",
src: [
// Copies the ng2 libraries to the target folder, instead of generated.
// Copying to generated and then to target is too expensive while watching.
"ng2-libs-to-target": {
files: [
{expand: true, src: "<%= files.ng2.libs %>", dest: "../../../target/iq/" }
"ng2-css-files-to-generated": {
// See Copy files to different directory (https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-copy/issues/58)
// I used to ensure that the compiled ts files (js / map) and their companions (ts / html / css) landed on the same folder
expand: true,
cwd: "app/ng2",
src: "<%= files.ng2.css %>",
dest: "<%= files.ng2.generated %>"
"ng2-files-to-generated": {
// See Copy files to different directory (https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-copy/issues/58)
// I used to ensure that the compiled ts files (js / map) and their companions (ts / html / css) landed on the same folder
expand: true,
cwd: "app/ng2",
src: ["<%= files.ng2.css %>", "<%= files.ng2.html %>"],
dest: "<%= files.ng2.generated %>"
"ng2-html-files-to-generated": {
// See Copy files to different directory (https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-copy/issues/58)
// I used to ensure that the compiled ts files (js / map) and their companions (ts / html / css) landed on the same folder
expand: true,
cwd: "app/ng2",
src: "<%= files.ng2.html %>",
dest: "<%= files.ng2.generated %>"
"ng2-ts-files-to-generated": {
// See Copy files to different directory (https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-copy/issues/58)
// I used to ensure that the compiled ts files (js / map) and their companions (ts / html / css) landed on the same folder
expand: true,
cwd: "app/ng2",
src: "<%= files.ng2.ts %>",
dest: "<%= files.ng2.generated %>"
"ng2-files-to-dist": {
// See Copy files to different directory (https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-copy/issues/58)
// I used to ensure that the compiled ts files (js / map) and their companions (ts / html / css) landed on the same folder
expand: true,
cwd: "app/ng2",
src: ["<%= files.ng2.css %>", "<%= files.ng2.html %>"],
dest: "<%= files.ng2.dist %>"
// Copies the angular 2 libraries to the dist folder.
// Executed by the "lineman build" command
"ng2-libs-to-dist": {
files: [
{expand: true, src: "<%= files.ng2.libs %>", dest: "dist/"}
"systemjs-to-dist": {
src: "systemjs.config.js",
dest: "<%= files.ng2.systemjs.dist %>"
"systemjs-to-generated": {
src: "systemjs.config.js",
dest: "<%= files.ng2.systemjs.generated %>"
// Added this to fix the following error:
// Warning: Path must be a string. Received null Use --force to continue.
// found out about this error here: https://github.com/jshint/jshint/issues/2922
jshint: {
options: {
reporterOutput: ""
// Task to compile typescript files
// Look here for config options: https://www.npmjs.com/package/grunt-ts
ts: {
development: {
"src": "app/ng2/**/*.ts",
"outDir": "<%= files.ng2.generated %>",
"options": {
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"module": "system",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"noImplicitAny": false,
"removeComments": false,
"sourceMap": true,
// using es5 is problematic with NG2-beta
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33332394/angular-2-typescript-cant-find-names
"target": "es6"
production: {
"src": "app/ng2/**/*.ts",
"outDir": "<%= files.ng2.dist %>",
"options": {
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"module": "system",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"noImplicitAny": false,
"removeComments": false,
"sourceMap": false,
// using es5 is problematic with NG2-beta
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33332394/angular-2-typescript-cant-find-names
"target": "es6"
uglify: {
vendor: {
files: {
"<%= files.js.minifiedVendor %>": "<%= files.js.concatenatedVendor %>"
Custom watch to copy changed files to the target folder based on suggestion by justin@testdouble.com
watch: {
"systemjs-config-js": {
"files": "systemjs.config.js",
"tasks": ["copy:systemjs-to-generated"]
// renamed & deleted files remain in place, restarting lineman run will fix it
"ng2-css": {
"files": "<%= files.ng2.css %>",
"tasks": ["copy:ng2-css-files-to-generated"]
// renamed & deleted files remain in place, restarting lineman run will fix it
"ng2-html": {
"files": "<%= files.ng2.html %>",
"tasks": ["copy:ng2-html-files-to-generated"]
// renamed & deleted files remain in place, restarting lineman run will fix it
"ng2-ts": {
"files": "<%= files.ng2.ts %>",
"tasks": ["ts:development"]
target: {
"files": [
"tasks": "copy:dl-deploy-dev"
webfonts: {
files: {
"vendor/components/FontAwesome/fonts/": "vendor/static/fonts/FontAwesome.*",
"vendor/components/fontawesome-webfont/fonts/": "vendor/static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.*",
"vendor/components/glypicons-halflings-regular/fonts/": "vendor/static/fonts/glypicons-halflings-regular.*",
"vendor/components/ui-grid/fonts/": "vendor/static/fonts/ui-grid.*"
/* *************************************************************************************************************
* Workflow Definition
************************************************************************************************************ */
I struggled with getting this right. I got it to work after carefully reading:
- Creating Lineman Plugins http://linemanjs.com/#creating-lineman-plugins
- https://github.com/linemanjs/lineman-dogescript/blob/master/config/plugins/dogescript.coffee#L13-L14
prependTasks: {
dev: [
common: ["concat_sourcemap:vendor", "dl-install-libs"].concat(app.prependTasks.common),
dist: [
appendTasks: {
dist: [
removeTasks: {
dev: ["server"]