我一直在尝试基于Randy Gaul 的 C++ Impulse Engine实现圆和多边形之间的碰撞检测,非常接近代码,但算法永远不会返回 true。

这是JSFiddle。(为方便起见,正文使用 HTML5 Canvas API 呈现)


const circPoly = (a, b) => {
  let data = {},
    center = a.pos;
  data.contacts = [];
  center = b.mat.clone().trans().mult(center.clone().sub(b.pos));
  let sep = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
    faceNorm = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < b.verts2.length; ++i) {
    let sep2 = b.norms[i].dot(center.clone().sub(b.verts2[i]));
    if (sep2 > a.radius) return data;
    if (sep2 > sep) { sep = sep2; faceNorm = i; }
  let v1 = b.verts2[faceNorm],
    v2 = b.verts2[faceNorm + 1 < b.verts2.length ? faceNorm + 1 : 0];
  if (sep < 0.0001) {
    data.depth = a.radius;
    data.norm = b.mat.clone().mult(b.norms[faceNorm]).neg();
    data.contacts[0] = data.norm.clone().vmult(a.pos.clone().sadd(a.radius));
    return data;
  let dot1 = center.clone().sub(v1).dot(v2.clone().sub(v1)),
    dot2 = center.clone().sub(v2).dot(v1.clone().sub(v2));
  data.depth = a.radius - sep;
  if (dot1 <= 0) {
    if (center.dist2(v1) > a.radius * a.radius) return data;
    let norm = v1.clone().sub(center);
    norm = b.mat.clone().mult(norm);
    data.norm = norm;
    v1 = b.mat.clone().mult(v1.clone().add(b.pos));
    data.contacts[0] = v1;
  } else if (dot2 <= 0) {
    if (center.dist2(v2) > a.radius * a.radius) return data;
    let norm = v2.clone().sub(center);
    norm = b.mat.clone().mult(norm);
    data.norm = norm;
    v2 = b.mat.clone().mult(v2.clone().add(b.pos));
    data.contacts[0] = v2;
  } else {
    let norm = b.norms[faceNorm];
    if (center.clone().sub(v1).dot(norm) > a.radius) return data;
    norm = b.mat.clone().mult(norm);
    data.norm = norm.clone().neg();
    data.contacts[0] = data.norm.clone().vmult(a.pos.clone().sadd(a.radius));
  return data;


我知道 Vector 类没有问题,但由于我对转换矩阵没有太多经验,因此该类可能是这些错误的根源,尽管它的代码几乎完全来自脉冲引擎也是如此,所以它应该可以工作。如前所述,该算法总是返回 false,即使确实发生了冲突。我在这里做错了什么?我尝试取出早期返回,但这只会返回奇怪的结果,例如带有负坐标的接触点,这显然不太正确。




1 回答 1


那么问题很多,我真的不明白你想要做什么,因为它看起来过于复杂。例如,为什么矩阵有trans???为什么使用 Y 向上屏幕作为变换的坐标系???(修辞)


  • 首先是您正在测试每个顶点的法线向量的距离,应该测试顶点位置。
  • vec.dot您还可以使用返回距离平方的函数来查找距离。但是你测试半径,你应该测试if(sep2 < radius * radius)
  • 如果小于半径平方(不大于),您应该以错误的方式进行比较
  • 然后,当您确实检测到半径内的顶点时,您返回数据对象但忘记将在圆内找到的顶点放在data.contacts数组上。
  • 我不确定保持最远向量索引的目的是什么,但是函数的其余部分对我来说零意义????:( 我试图理解它。





// circle is a point {x:?,y:?}
// radius = is the you know what
// p1,p2 are the start and end points of a line
        checkLineCircle = function(circle,radius,p1,p2){
            var v1 = {};
            var v2 = {};
            var v3 = {};
            var u;
            // get dist to end of line
            v2.x = circle.x - p1.x;
            v2.y = circle.y - p1.y;
            // check if end points are inside the circle
            if( Math.min(
                    Math.hypot(p2.x - circle.x, p2.y - circle.y),
                    Math.hypot(v2.x, v2.y)
                ) <= radius){
                return true;
            // get the line as a vector
            v1.x = p2.x - p1.x;
            v1.y = p2.y - p1.y;
            // get the unit distance of the closest point on the line
            u = (v2.x * v1.x + v2.y * v1.y)/(v1.y * v1.y + v1.x * v1.x);
            // is this on the line segment
            if(u >= 0 && u <= 1){
                v3.x = v1.x * u;  // get the point on the line segment
                v3.y = v1.y * u;
                // get the distance to that point and return true or false depending on the 
                // it being inside the circle
                return (Math.hypot(v3.y - v2.y, v3.x - v2.x) <= radius);
            return false; // no intercept



// p1,p2 are the start and end points of a line
 // returns an array empty if no points found or one or two points depending on the number of intercepts found
 // If two points found the first point in the array is the point closest to the line start (p1)
 function circleLineIntercept(circle,radius,p1,p2){
        var v1 = {};
        var v2 = {};
        var ret = [];
        var u1,u2,b,c,d;
        // line as vector
        v1.x = p2.x - p1.x;
        v1.y = p2.y - p1.y;
        // vector to circle center
        v2.x = p1.x - circle.x;
        v2.y = p1.y - circle.y;
        // dot of line and circle
        b = (v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y) * -2;
        // length of line squared * 2
        c = 2 * (v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y);
        // some math to solve the two triangles made by the intercept points, the circle center and the perpendicular line to the line.
        d = Math.sqrt(b * b - 2 * c * (v2.x * v2.x + v2.y * v2.y - radius * radius));
        // will give a NaN if no solution
        if(isNaN(d)){ // no intercept
            return ret;
        // get the unit distance of each intercept to the line
        u1 = (b - d) / c;
        u2 = (b + d) / c;

        // check the intercept is on the line segment
        if(u1 <= 1 && u1 >= 0){  
            ret.push({x:line.p1.x + v1.x * u1, y : line.p1.y + v1.y * u1 });
        // check the intercept is on the line segment
        if(u2 <= 1 && u2 >= 0){  
            ret.push({x:line.p1.x + v1.x * u2, y : line.p1.y + v1.y * u2});
        return ret;


于 2016-06-11T00:02:12.647 回答