我正在尝试创建一个 Windows Phone 8.1 项目,但我收到一条错误消息The type 'WriteableBitmap' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e',但我无法在任何地方找到该程序集。

我试图让 Visual Studio 为我修复它,但随后出现了这个错误来自 Visual Studio 的错误


using eKomplet.Services;
using eKomplet.WinPhone8.Implementations;
using Microsoft.Phone;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

失败的线路之一是var bitmap = PictureDecoder.DecodeJpeg(imageStream);,它PictureDecoder来自哪里Microsoft.Phone

我正在使用这些 NuGet 包

Acr.UserDialogs               5.2.2
Acr.XamForms.UserDialogs      5.2.2
Coding4Fun.Toolkit.Controls   2.1.8
ExifLib.PCL                   1.0.1
MR.Gestures                   1.3.4
Newtonsoft.JSON               8.0.3
Splat                         1.6.2
SQLite.Net.Core-PCL           3.1.1
SQLite.Net-PCL                3.1.1
Xam.Plugins.Settings          2.1.0
Xamarin.Insights              1.10.6
XLabs.Core                    2.0.5782
XLabs.Forms                   2.0.5782
XLabs.IoC                     2.0.5782
XLabs.Platform                2.0.5782
XLabs.Serialization           2.0.5782


参考管理器程序集-> 框架告诉我All of the Framework assemblies are already referenced. Please use the Object Browser to explore the references in the Framework
程序集 -> 扩展告诉我No user assemblies were found on the machine
Windows Phone 8.1 -> Core 告诉我The Windows Phone 8.1 SDK is already referenced. Please use the Object Browser to explore the references in the Windows Phone 8.1 SDK.
Windows Phone 8.1 -> Extensions 告诉我

Behaviors SDK (XAML)                                          12.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime Package for Windows Phone   12.0
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Core                             14.0
MSTest for Managed Projects                                   14.0
SQLite for Windows Phone 8.1                                  3.13.0


更新 2此行
也出现此问题,所以我认为它一定与此 XLabs 问题有关。但是有没有人找到解决方法或解决方法?App.xaml.csnew XFormsAppWP().Init(this);

更新 3
我使用过PictureDecoderfrom Microsoft.Phone,但您只能Microsoft.Phone在 Silverlight 项目中使用。在 Windows Phone 8.1 中,您必须使用BitmapDecoder.


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