I'm having trouble uploading my .apk to Google Play Store. I've previously been able to upload multiple different builds up to last week, but today I get the error that I should zipalign my file first.
EDIT: Normally, I was able to generate signed and zipaligned .apk's that the AppStore accepted by just using Android Studios built-in "Generate Signed APK" wizard. This did not work today, and led to the following:
I've tried the following:
Manual zipalign of the app-release.apk generated by Android studio. When I try this, I get the error "VERIFICATION FAILED" at the end. Some googling says that providing full path to a location where you have write-access is important, so I've tried doing it with the specific path, but to no avail:
./zipalign -v -f 4 /Users/<username>/git/<projectname>/app/app-release.apk /Users/<username>/git/<projectname>/app/aligned.apk
I then tried to download the APK Signer 1.8.5 and use that to zipalign the .apk - and behold, success! It creates an aligned apk, and i'm able to verify it using both Android Studio's own zipalign tool by
./zipalign -c -v 4 app-release_ALIGNED.apk
and the APK Signer itself. However, when uploading I now get the error:
Failed to run aapt dump badging: W/ResourceType(208730): Bad resource table: header size 0x80a3 or total size 0x80b50000 is larger than data size 0x7bcc4 ERROR: dump failed because the resource table is invalid/corrupt.
This, I haven't been able to find solutions for.
I then tried to recreate the circumstances I was previously able to upload APKs from by reverting to a previous commit/build, as well as reverting from AS 2.2 preview 3 to AS2.2 preview 2, but again - no luck.
Finally, I tried explicitly adding
zipAlignEnabled true
to my release config in Gradle, but that didn't help either.
I'm out of suggestions, and hoping someone can help? :-) Thanks