In the wit.ai UI when entering a story the interface constantly identifies and tags a number of entities that I don't want it to.

Screenshot showing UI

In the image above you can see two "package_type" entities being registered against the "How do I buy" sentence. I cant stop this from happening. Its wrong. If I remove them manually, it adds them back in anyway.

I've reached out to their support, with no answer and also tweeted them to see if I can get a response.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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您必须在理解选项卡中正确定义package_type实体。选择什么搜索策略。如果您知道 package_type 将始终是某种列表中的标准词之一 = 将其设置为关键字并将它们添加到列表中(全部在“理解”选项卡中)。那将始终是对实体的非常严格和正确的识别!


如果你使用“特征”......只是不要:) 不要将它用于或多或少定义主题的实体类型。这更多地用于“检测”短语的概念。正面\负面\快乐\悲伤......它有效 - 但它也有点模糊:)


做了这个:https ://wit.ai/yuraantonov/My%20First%20App/entities

于 2016-06-10T09:21:22.503 回答