如何在mikepenz materialdrawer库的帐户配置文件部分添加分隔符?

我可以使用new DividerDrawerItem()将分隔线添加到抽屉本身,但无法将分隔线添加到配置文件部分。我怎样才能做到这一点?


1 回答 1


hmmm to get a Divider inside the Profiles section the easiest would be to create an item similar to the DividerDrawerItem but it should also implement IProfile so you can add it to the accounts too, and you just need to make it not selectable so it won't show up in the header and can't be selected.

public class AccountDividerDrawerItem extends AbstractDrawerItem<AccountDividerDrawerItem, AccountDividerDrawerItem.ViewHolder> implements IProfile<AccountDividerDrawerItem> {
public int getType() {
    return R.id.material_drawer_profile_item_divider;

public int getLayoutRes() {
    return com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.R.layout.material_drawer_item_divider;

public void bindView(ViewHolder viewHolder) {
    Context ctx = viewHolder.itemView.getContext();

    //set the identifier from the drawerItem here. It can be used to run tests

    //define how the divider should look like

    //set the color for the divider
    viewHolder.divider.setBackgroundColor(UIUtils.getThemeColorFromAttrOrRes(ctx, com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.R.attr.material_drawer_divider, com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.R.color.material_drawer_divider));

    //call the onPostBindView method to trigger post bind view actions (like the listener to modify the item if required)
    onPostBindView(this, viewHolder.itemView);

public ViewHolderFactory<ViewHolder> getFactory() {
    return new ItemFactory();

public AccountDividerDrawerItem withName(String name) {
    return null;

public StringHolder getName() {
    return null;

public AccountDividerDrawerItem withEmail(String email) {
    return null;

public StringHolder getEmail() {
    return null;

public AccountDividerDrawerItem withIcon(Drawable icon) {
    return null;

public AccountDividerDrawerItem withIcon(Bitmap bitmap) {
    return null;

public AccountDividerDrawerItem withIcon(@DrawableRes int iconRes) {
    return null;

public AccountDividerDrawerItem withIcon(String url) {
    return null;

public AccountDividerDrawerItem withIcon(Uri uri) {
    return null;

public AccountDividerDrawerItem withIcon(IIcon icon) {
    return null;

public ImageHolder getIcon() {
    return null;

public static class ItemFactory implements ViewHolderFactory<ViewHolder> {
    public ViewHolder create(View v) {
        return new ViewHolder(v);

protected static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    private View view;
    private View divider;

    private ViewHolder(View view) {
        this.view = view;
        this.divider = view.findViewById(com.mikepenz.materialdrawer.R.id.material_drawer_divider);

Just 2 things!

  1. Your item should also have the proper generic type defined for the AbstractDrawerItem.
  2. You should chagned the identifier within the getType() method, because this has to be unique and can't be reused accross items. (Internal cache handling of the RecyclerView).

Note that: R.id.material_drawer_profile_item_divider does not exist and must replace with an arbitrary local identifier! so create ids.xml file invalues directory and add this line to that:

<item name="material_drawer_profile_item_divider" type="id" /> 
于 2016-06-09T12:04:08.160 回答