I'm new to this beacon technology. I want to use this technology. I did some R&D on this and came to know that Estimote ,RadiusNetworks and some other are we can use. But now I want to take a Beacon which will support most of the concepts like

  • Should be capable of both Eddystone™ & iBeacon™</li>
  • Transmit some sensor's (not necessory) data
  • Transmit URL

Now my question is if the beacon is capable of Eddystone™ then will it transmits URL?

If you have any idea on Beacons for testing all the features & usecases which beacon you'll prefer?


1 回答 1


Eddystone 标准由多个帧组成,包括 UID、URL、TLM 和 EID,不要求所有信标模型都实现所有这些标准。您应该在购买前与制造商核实。iBeacon 格式支持也是如此。

一般来说,任何支持 Eddystone 的信标都支持 UID、URL 和 TLM 帧。EID 帧是后来添加的,所以较旧的 Eddystone 信标肯定不支持它。

对于 Radius Networks 信标,所有 Eddystone 兼容型号都支持 Eddystone-URL,iBeacon 和自 2016 年 5 月以来销售的更新型号也支持 Eddystone-EID。

全面披露:我为 Radius Networks 工作。

于 2016-06-09T12:34:59.050 回答