Java 中比较两个 ByteBuffer 的内容以检查是否相等的最简单方法是什么?


2 回答 2





  1. 它们具有相同的元素类型,
  2. 它们具有相同数量的剩余元素,并且
  3. 剩余元素的两个序列,独立于它们的起始位置考虑,是逐点相等的。


于 2010-09-22T13:53:13.200 回答

或者,使用JDK/11,还有另一种将 aByteBuffer与另一个进行比较的方法。主要专注于查找两者之间不匹配的 API 可用作 -

int mismatchBetweenTwoBuffers = byteBuffer1.mismatch(byteBuffer2);
if(mismatchBetweenTwoBuffers == -1) {
    System.out.println("The buffers are equal!");
} else {
    System.out.println("The buffers are mismatched at - " + mismatchBetweenTwoBuffers);


 * Finds and returns the relative index of the first mismatch between this
 * buffer and a given buffer.  The index is relative to the
 * {@link #position() position} of each buffer and will be in the range of
 * 0 (inclusive) up to the smaller of the {@link #remaining() remaining}
 * elements in each buffer (exclusive).
 * <p> If the two buffers share a common prefix then the returned index is
 * the length of the common prefix and it follows that there is a mismatch
 * between the two buffers at that index within the respective buffers.
 * If one buffer is a proper prefix of the other then the returned index is
 * the smaller of the remaining elements in each buffer, and it follows that
 * the index is only valid for the buffer with the larger number of
 * remaining elements.
 * Otherwise, there is no mismatch.
 * @return  The relative index of the first mismatch between this and the
 *          given buffer, otherwise -1 if no mismatch.
 * @since 11
public int mismatch(ByteBuffer that)
于 2018-08-12T18:23:36.337 回答