namespace SubscriptionWebsite.PlaceHolders
    public class TreeData
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public int? ParentLocationID { get; set; }
        public string name { get; set; }
        public int? Locationlevel { get; set; }
        public string participation { get; set; }

namespace SubscriptionWebsite.Managers
    public class TreeDataManager
        SubscriptionWebsite.Entities.acc_core_dbEntities db = new SubscriptionWebsite.Entities.acc_core_dbEntities();

        public List<TreeData> GetTreeData()
            List<TreeData> Location = db.frm_location.Where(x => !x.Removed && x.Revision == 0).Select(loc => new TreeData
                   ID = loc.ID,
                   ParentLocationID = loc.ParentLocationID,
                   name = loc.frm_location_level.SystemId.Equals(5) ? loc.frm_location_address.FirstOrDefault(c => !c.Removed && c.Revision == 0).Street1 : loc.Name,
                   Locationlevel = loc.frm_location_level.SystemId,
                   participation = loc.IsActive ? "Yes" : "No",

            List<TreeData> Meters = db.frm_connection_meter.Where(x => !x.Removed && x.Revision == 0).Select(l => new TreeData
                 Locationlevel = 6,
                 ID = l.ID,
                 ParentLocationID = l.frm_location.ID,
                 name = l.MeterNumber,
                 participation = l.IsMain ? "Yes" : "No",// change to IsActive after db update

            return Location.AddRange(Meters));

如果我尝试将 TreeData 的两个列表与

return Location.AddRange(Meters));

我收到以下错误:无法将类型“void”隐式转换为 System.Collections.Generic.List

我知道 the.AddRange 的返回类型是 void(null) 但我怎样才能将两个列表放在一起?


1 回答 1



return Location;

如果您不想修改它,可以使用 LINQ:

return Location.Concat(Meters).ToList();


public List<TreeData> GetTreeData()
    var locations = db.frm_location
        .Where(x => !x.Removed && x.Revision == 0)
        .Select(loc => new TreeData
            ID = loc.ID,
            ParentLocationID = loc.ParentLocationID,
            name = loc.frm_location_level.SystemId.Equals(5) ? loc.frm_location_address.FirstOrDefault(c => !c.Removed && c.Revision == 0).Street1 : loc.Name,
            Locationlevel = loc.frm_location_level.SystemId,
            participation = loc.IsActive ? "Yes" : "No",

    var meters = db.frm_connection_meter
        .Where(x => !x.Removed && x.Revision == 0)
        .Select(l => new TreeData
            Locationlevel = 6,
            ID = l.ID,
            ParentLocationID = l.frm_location.ID,
            name = l.MeterNumber,
            participation = l.IsMain ? "Yes" : "No",// change to IsActive after db update

    return locations.Concat(meters).ToList();
于 2016-06-08T08:33:07.673 回答