使用 Flash (AS3) 创建 pacman 风格的游戏。有 3 名玩家竞争吃掉最多的点。现在,当一名玩家吃掉一个点时,该玩家的屏幕上的点会消失(但仅持续一秒钟)并再次出现在屏幕上。另一个玩家在玩,没有看到点消失并重新出现。
使用 hitTestObject,当玩家触摸一个点时,该点不应再出现在舞台上。我正在使用共享对象来创建这个多人游戏环境。我是使用 SharedObject 和 AS3 的新手。
public function PlayerSelect()
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
select_screen.btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, select1);
select_screen.btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, select2);
select_screen.btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, select3);
for(var i=0; i<circ_num; i++) {
circle_ary[i] = new Circle(); //linkage in the library
public function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
trace("connected is: " + nc.connected );
trace("event.info.level: " + event.info.level);
trace("event.info.code: " + event.info.code);
switch (event.info.code)
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
trace("Congratulations! you're connected");
so = SharedObject.getRemote("ballPosition", nc.uri, false);
so.addEventListener(SyncEvent.SYNC, syncHandler);
case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected":
case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
trace ("Oops! you weren't able to connect");
private function stageInit():void
for(var i=0; i<circ_num; i++) {
pos_ary[i] = new Array();
pos_ary[i][0] = Math.random()*stage.stageWidth;
pos_ary[i][1] = Math.random()*stage.stageHeight;
so.setProperty("dots", pos_ary);
// update clients when the shared object changes
private function syncHandler(event:SyncEvent):void
// when a sync event is fired
// update the information for all clients
//here we update states for all players
for (var i:String in so.data) //run through all players in the data array
if (i == "dots")
for(var j=0; j<circ_num; j++)
circle_ary[j].x = so.data["dots"][j][0];
circle_ary[j].y = so.data["dots"][j][1];
//pos_ary[j][0] = so.data["dots"][j][0];
//pos_ary[j][i] = so.data["dots"][j][i];
else if(player_ary[i] == undefined)
makePlayer(i); //if the player does not exist we create it
else if (i!=me) //we do not need to update our selves from the server, just everyone else
player_ary[i].x = so.data[i][0]; //here I am treating data like a 2d array
player_ary[i].y = so.data[i][1]; //where [i][0] is x poition data and
} //[i][1] is y position data
// function eatCircle --------------------------------------------------------------
function eatCircle():void {
for (var j:int = 0; j<circ_num; j++)
if (player_ary[me].hitTestObject(circle_ary[j]))
trace ("I ate the circle");
circle_ary[j].y = -100;
pos_ary[j][1] =-100;
so.setProperty("dots", pos_ary);