我有一些代码,它工作得非常好,可以在打开数据库时压缩 Access 数据库。
我想要发生的是,当数据库表中的项目被标记为存档并随后存档时,我希望这段代码几乎像 AutoExec 一样运行。
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Form_Timer()
'The Timer event runs this code every minute. It compares your
'system time with the StartTime variable. When they match, it
'starts to compact all databases in the DBNames table.
Dim StartTime As String
' Set this variable for the time you want compacting to start.
StartTime = Now()
' If StartTime is now, open the DBNames table and start compacting
If Format(Now(), "medium time") = Format(StartTime, _
"medium time") Then
Dim RS As Recordset, DB As Database
Dim NewDBName As String, DBName As String
Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("DBNames")
On Error Resume Next
Do Until RS.EOF
DBName = RS("DBFolder") & "\" & RS("DBName")
' Create a new name for the compacted database.
' This example uses the old name plus the current date.
NewDBName = Left(DBName, Len(DBName) - 4)
NewDBName = NewDBName & " " & Format(Date, "DDMMYY") & ".mdb"
DBEngine.CompactDatabase DBName, NewDBName
' Close the form, and then close Microsoft Access
DoCmd.Close acForm, "CompactDB", acSaveYes
DoCmd.Quit acSaveYes
End If
End Sub