我正在使用Smart Image Resizer来显示图像。这在单站点 WP 上运行良好。但它不适用于 WPMU。
有没有人使用子域在 WPMU 中使用 Smart Image Resizer?
我正在使用Smart Image Resizer来显示图像。这在单站点 WP 上运行良好。但它不适用于 WPMU。
有没有人使用子域在 WPMU 中使用 Smart Image Resizer?
好的,所以我通过破解 image.php 文件来修复它。
问题是 Smart Image Resizer 用于DOCUMENT_ROOT
定义基本上传文件夹。它不包括 wordpress 上传文件夹(适用于 WP 和 WPMU)。所以我在 image.php 文件中添加/更改了一些代码来解决这个问题。
// Let's include Wordpress libraries
// We assume this file WILL be located in root folder
// This must be included just after the above include. Otherwise we can get a 404 Not Found error in WPMU
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); // ****** Wordpress hack ********
//Define upload dir for Wordpress
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
define('WP_IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR', str_replace("\\","/",$upload_dir['basedir']));
define('WP_IMAGE_UPLOAD_URL', str_replace("\\","/",$upload_dir['baseurl']));
// Replace the original code to remove base URL (and upload path)
$image = str_replace(WP_IMAGE_UPLOAD_URL,'',$_GET['image']);
// Then I replace the old docRoot with the new upload path,
// and kept the stripping of possible trailing slash off the document root
$docRoot = preg_replace('/\/$/', '', WP_IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR);
// Then I change the code so it uses correct upload path.
if (!file_exists(WP_IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR . $image))
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
echo 'Error: image does not exist: ' . WP_IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR . $image;
现在它适用于 WP 和 WPMU。