I finished a state diagram in regards to an auction system and had it sent for feedback. I received a confusing feedback.

"The stuff within the big blue thingie are actually events, not state of the objects itself"

Here is the mentioned state diagram, can anyone help to elaborate as to what the feedback actually means? That big blue state should be a composite state with concurrent sub states, so I am not really sure what the feedback refers to.

enter image description here


1 回答 1


你的定义是正确的。你得到的反馈是假的。但是,您似乎正在将事件写为方括号内的保护条件。这是不正确的,逗号也是如此。保护条件应该是一个布尔表达式,如 [x > 0]。

于 2016-06-03T12:38:00.760 回答