我对 QMouseEvent 有疑问:
void Gioco::gioco_G1()
QMouseEvent *mouse = new QMouseEvent;
bool stato = false;
if (mouse->KeyPress() == Qt::MouseButton::LeftButton) {
qDebug()<<"entra nell'if";
if (img_mano1G1 -> isUnderMouse()) {giocata_G1 = manoG1[0]; stato = true;}
else if (img_mano2G1 -> isUnderMouse()) {giocata_G1 = manoG1[1]; stato = true;}
else if (img_mano3G1 -> isUnderMouse()) {giocata_G1 = manoG1[2]; stato = true;}
} while (stato == false); //repeat until I enter an if
我创建了一个场景,并在场景中插入了一些 QGraphicsPixmapItem。现在我想在单击指定的 QGraphicsPixmapItem 时输入“if”。
例如,当我单击 img_manoG1 时,我想输入第一个“if”
TI 是 Qt 的新手,这是我第一次使用这些对象,所以我犯了很多逻辑错误,所以使用 QStateMachine 这是一个大问题......
-> print cards on the scene
-> wait for a mouse input (with a do-while)
-> if(isMouseClick(WM_LBUTTONDOWN))
-> if(mouse position is on the first card)
-> select that card. So i wish to do the same thing with QGraphics.
-> print cards
-> wait for a mouse event
-> print the card that I've selected with that event.
现在我想改变程序图形,我已经介绍了 QGraphics。我创建了一个场景并在其上打印所有对象“卡片”,所以现在我想告诉程序:
-> print the object and wait the mouse input
-> if a card is to selected with the left clik
-> print that card in scene, wait 1/2 second and go ahead with the program
1 到 20(我必须在一场比赛中跑 20 次)。我尝试使用随机的 G1 和 COM 播放来启动程序,但应用程序冻结到最后一次执行,for
没有 QStateMachine 可以吗?简单地告诉他:“暂停”,打印这种情况,等待鼠标继续?