
我想在带有 Raspbian 的 Raspberry pi 3 上使用 Octave 库在 Python 中对 .wav 文件信号进行峰值检测,但 octave.findpeaks 函数存在问题。我遇到了这个错误:findpeaks:参数“MeanPeakHeight”与解析器的任何有效参数都不匹配 我已经安装了所有关于 Octave 的包,所以这就是我不明白的原因。这是我的程序的一部分:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
import numpy as np  
from scipy.io import wavfile as wav  
from scipy.signal import find_peaks_cwt, butter, lfilter  
from pylab import *  
import os  
from operator import truediv  
from easygui import *  
from oct2py import octave  

"High and Low Frequency for the filter"  

    low = 100  
    high = 50  
    list_file = []  
    octave.eval("pkg load signal")  

def display_wav(wav_file):

    samplerate, beat = wav.read('/home/pi/heartbeat_project/heartbeat_songs/%s' %wav_file)
    beat_resize = np.fromfile(open('/home/pi/heartbeat_project/heartbeat_songs/%s' %wav_file),np.int16)[4*samplerate:float(beat.shape[0])-4*samplerate]
    beat_resize = beat_resize / (2.**15)
    timeArray = arange(0,float(beat_resize.shape[0]),1)
    timeArray = timeArray / samplerate   
    ylow = butter_lowpass_filter(samplerate, 5, low, beat_resize)
    y = butter_highpass_filter(samplerate, 5, high, ylow)

    peaks, indexes = octave.findpeaks(np.array(y),'DoubleSided','MeanPeakHeight',np.std(y))

1 回答 1


findpeaks 是 octave-forge 信号包的一部分:源文件

此函数没有'MeanPeakHeight' 参数。猜这是一个错字,你想要'MinPeakHeight'

于 2016-06-01T10:59:50.500 回答