Having written a UIPrintInteractionControllerDelegate
, I wish to unit test its paper selection functionality in printInteractionController:choosePaper:
Its declaration is:
optional func printInteractionController(_ printInteractionController: UIPrintInteractionController, choosePaper paperList: [UIPrintPaper]) -> UIPrintPaper
It is a simple matter of calling it with predefined UIPrintPaper values and checking the output. However I am unable to create UIPrintPaper instances. Here is how UIPrintPaper is declared:
+ (UIPrintPaper *)bestPaperForPageSize:(CGSize)contentSize withPapersFromArray:(NSArray<UIPrintPaper *> *)paperList; // for use by delegate. pass in list
@property(readonly) CGSize paperSize;
@property(readonly) CGRect printableRect;
The paperSize and printableRect properties are readonly and there is no initializer to define them. How can I create UIPrintPaper to represent different paper sizes for my tests? (A4, US Letter, 4x6...)