Here we are trying to load packages and then write an SQl query to integrate with Pandas and then finally using Bokeh to show the plot But bokeh is not showing anything.

You can consider the following as the dataset df_new_2:

             name       success_rate        failure_rate
             A          94.7                5.3
             B          94.3                5.7
             C          91                  9
             D          88                  13
             E          84                  16
             F          81                  19
             G          78                  22  
             H          74.6               25.4

The code starts here

 import pandas.io.sql
 import pandas as pd
 import pyodbc
 from bokeh import mpl
 from bokeh.plotting import output_file,show 

 server = 'root'     #getting the server to work
 db = 'y'            #assigning database

 # Create the connection
 conn = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=localhost;PORT= 3306;DATABASE=y;UID=root;PWD=123456789;")

 # query db- Here we are trying to count the number of success in a table and the name for which the success has been found by joining tables 
sql = """

   SELECT count(*) AS TOTAL,
   COUNT(CASE WHEN status=0 THEN 1 END) AS success,
   FROM a
   JOIN b
   ON b.id=a.merchant
   GROUP BY merchant

   LIMIT 10

  df = pandas.io.sql.read_sql(sql, conn)    #defining df as query result

  df_new=df.set_index('name')   #indexing as the name of a
  df_new['failure_rate']=100-df_new['success_rate']     #assigning failure rate
  output_file("pandas_series.html", title="pandas_series.py example")   #assigning the name of output screen
  show(mpl.to_bokeh)   #showing the output of bokeh

1 回答 1


got something a bit more useful for you now. Had to avoid mpl as I couldn't get that to work. One possible reason is that I don't think horizontal bar charts are available in bokeh.

import pandas as pd
from bokeh.charts import Bar
from bokeh.plotting import output_file, show 
from bokeh.charts.operations import blend
from bokeh.charts.attributes import cat, color

df_new2 = pd.DataFrame({'Success Rate' : [94.7,94.3,91,88,84,81,78,74.6], 'Failure Rate' : [5.3,5.7,9,12,16,19,22,25.4]})
df_new2['inds'] = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H']

p = Bar(df_new2, 
        values=blend('Failure Rate','Success Rate', name='% Success/Failure', labels_name='stacked'),
        stack=cat(columns='stacked', sort=False),
        color=color(columns='stacked', palette=['Red', 'Green'],
                  title="Success Rate vs. Failure Rate")
output_file("pandas_series.html", title="pandas_series.py example")   #assigning the name of output screen
show(p)   #showing the output of bokeh
于 2016-05-30T07:17:14.313 回答