我正在尝试使用 Liveview 支持运行我的合金项目。但它不起作用并给我以下错误。

Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.2.2
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
2016-05-30T06:19:24.631Z | TRACE  | set environment to {"registry":"https://software.appcelerator.com","security":"https://security.appcelerator.com","baseurl":"https://platform.appcelerator.com"}
2016-05-30T06:19:24.633Z | TRACE  | checking credentials for existing session
2016-05-30T06:19:24.925Z | TRACE  | Attempting to load session info from config file
2016-05-30T06:19:24.931Z | TRACE  | check if session is invalidated
2016-05-30T06:19:26.722Z | TRACE  | session expiry 1464594671175 false
2016-05-30T06:19:26.723Z | TRACE  | Arrow Cloud config file: C:\Users\ADMIN\.acs
2016-05-30T06:19:26.725Z | TRACE  | found Arrow Cloud login { mid: '614b7d25d4fea15bd60f62091ceedfb56eda8e6f',
  publishPort: 443,
  publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com',
  username: 'electronic321@gmail.com',
  cookie: [ 'connect.sid=s%3AXj8EhIXRjnTaC9UnEOUrAz6F.SwVoCz55LSN4vYQ%2Fog533Cv5KixIWgw5JHK6cEeMens; Path=/; Expires=Mon, 06 Jun 2016 07:51:17 GMT; HttpOnly' ],
   { publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com',
     publishPort: 443 } } , checking nodeACSEndpoint= https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com
2016-05-30T06:19:26.727Z | TRACE  | Arrow Cloud cookie expiry [ 1465199477000 ]
2016-05-30T06:19:26.727Z | TRACE  | session already loaded in opts.session
2016-05-30T06:19:26.729Z | TRACE  | getCredentials() session:
  "ipaddress": "",
  "username": "electronic321@gmail.com",
  "password": "<OMITTED>",
  "session": "<OMITTED>",
  "nonce": "<OMITTED>",
  "environment": {
    "name": "production",
    "isProduction": true,
    "acsBaseUrl": "https://api.cloud.appcelerator.com",
    "acsAuthBaseUrl": "https://secure-identity.cloud.appcelerator.com",
    "nodeACSEndpoint": "https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com"
  "token": "<OMITTED>",
  "fingerprint": "614b7d25d4fea15bd60f62091ceedfb56eda8e6f",
  "fingerprint_description": "Windows Machine ID: 51c8ede0-459f-428a-a13d-18a42f4ce1d5",
  "org_id": 100113556,
  "expiry": 1464594671175
2016-05-30T06:19:26.730Z | TRACE  | loading plugins for command "run"
2016-05-30T06:19:26.788Z | TRACE  | run search paths:
2016-05-30T06:19:26.789Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\appc.js
2016-05-30T06:19:26.911Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 120ms C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\appc.js
2016-05-30T06:19:26.911Z | DEBUG  | run plugin: C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium
2016-05-30T06:19:26.913Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 1ms C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\arrow\appc.js
2016-05-30T06:19:26.917Z | DEBUG  | run plugin: C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\arrow
2016-05-30T06:19:26.922Z | TRACE  | plugin "arrow" failed its "when" function check, skipping...
2016-05-30T06:19:26.923Z | TRACE  | loading plugin "titanium" for command "run" CLI options via function
2016-05-30T06:19:26.924Z | TRACE  | loading plugin "titanium" for command "run" CLI options via array
2016-05-30T06:19:26.927Z | TRACE  | executing command "run" with the following plugins:
2016-05-30T06:19:26.930Z | TRACE  | Attempting to load session info from config file
2016-05-30T06:19:26.933Z | TRACE  | check if session is invalidated
2016-05-30T06:19:28.336Z | TRACE  | session expiry 1464594671175 false
2016-05-30T06:19:28.337Z | TRACE  | session already loaded in opts.session
2016-05-30T06:19:28.339Z | DEBUG  | Titanium Downloads Last Checked: 1464583283819
5/30/2016, 11:19:36 AM
Operating System
  Name                        = Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
  Version                     = 10.0.10586
  Architecture                = 32bit
  # CPUs                      = 8
  Memory                      = 17070088192
  Node.js Version             = 0.12.10
  npm Version                 = 2.14.9
Titanium CLI
  CLI Version                 = 5.0.6
Titanium SDK
  SDK Version                 = 5.2.2.GA
  SDK Path                    = C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\5.2.2.GA
  Target Platform             = android
  C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.exe C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\titanium\lib\titanium.js build run --platform android --log-level trace --sdk 5.2.2.GA --project-dir C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace\Thriggle --target device --android-sdk C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Android\sdk --device-id AVY9KA9631828821 --liveview --deploy-type development --no-colors --no-progress-bars --no-prompt --prompt-type socket-bundle --prompt-port 3723 --config-file C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp\build-1464589168337.json --no-banner --project-dir C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace\Thriggle
[ERROR] :  GED: Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0)
[ERROR] :  NativeCrypto: ssl=0xeec40600 cert_verify_callback x509_store_ctx=0xdddff3c0 arg=0x0
[ERROR] :  NativeCrypto: ssl=0xeec40600 cert_verify_callback calling verifyCertificateChain authMethod=ECDHE_RSA
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [3864,9999] ----- Titanium Javascript Runtime Error -----
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,9999] - In app.js:567,13
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,9999] - Message: Uncaught Error: [LiveView] File Server unavailable. Host Unreachable @
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: [LiveView] Please ensure your device and computer are on the same network and the port is not blocked.
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,9999] - Source:       throw new Error('[LiveView] File Server unavailable. Host Unreachable @
[ERROR] :  V8Exception: Exception occurred at app.js:567: Uncaught Error: [LiveView] File Server unavailable. Host Unreachable @
[ERROR] :  V8Exception: [LiveView] Please ensure your device and computer are on the same network and the port is not blocked.

另一方面,如果我创建一个新的 Classic 项目,它在 LiveView 上运行良好。

以前,我在笔记本电脑(Window OS)上安装了 Genymotion,由于模拟器和笔记本电脑上的 IP 地址不同,Liveview 根本无法工作。这是有道理的(我猜)。我已经卸载了 Genymotion,现在我遇到了另一个问题。我的网络地址也是192.168.100.1。我也使用 Java 32 和 64 位对其进行了检查,但同样的问题仍然存在。

我已经花了将近 2 周的时间,但无法弄清楚。我对 Appcelerator 和 node js 比较陌生,请有人指导我。


    Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 5.2.2
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
2016-06-01T09:39:39.739Z | TRACE  | set environment to {"registry":"https://software.appcelerator.com","security":"https://security.appcelerator.com","baseurl":"https://platform.appcelerator.com"}
2016-06-01T09:39:39.741Z | TRACE  | checking credentials for existing session
2016-06-01T09:39:40.038Z | TRACE  | Attempting to load session info from config file
2016-06-01T09:39:40.044Z | TRACE  | check if session is invalidated
2016-06-01T09:39:41.812Z | TRACE  | session expiry 1465199772201 false
2016-06-01T09:39:41.818Z | TRACE  | Arrow Cloud config file: C:\Users\ADMIN\.acs
2016-06-01T09:39:41.819Z | TRACE  | found Arrow Cloud login { mid: '614b7d25d4fea15bd60f62091ceedfb56eda8e6f',
  publishPort: 443,
  publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com',
  username: 'electronic321@gmail.com',
  cookie: [ 'connect.sid=s%3A47blMNQoUpjUFG076uF%2BpTlm.vcgLNB32OzNUsTt4SaysHhBMmGRPNl2ffpm75hHvWec; Path=/; Expires=Mon, 13 Jun 2016 07:56:20 GMT; HttpOnly' ],
   { publishHost: 'https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com',
     publishPort: 443 } } , checking nodeACSEndpoint= https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com
2016-06-01T09:39:41.819Z | TRACE  | Arrow Cloud cookie expiry [ 1465804580000 ]
2016-06-01T09:39:41.819Z | TRACE  | session already loaded in opts.session
2016-06-01T09:39:41.819Z | TRACE  | getCredentials() session:
  "ipaddress": "",
  "username": "electronic321@gmail.com",
  "password": "<OMITTED>",
  "session": "<OMITTED>",
  "nonce": "<OMITTED>",
  "environment": {
    "name": "production",
    "isProduction": true,
    "acsBaseUrl": "https://api.cloud.appcelerator.com",
    "acsAuthBaseUrl": "https://secure-identity.cloud.appcelerator.com",
    "nodeACSEndpoint": "https://admin.cloudapp-enterprise.appcelerator.com"
  "token": "<OMITTED>",
  "fingerprint": "614b7d25d4fea15bd60f62091ceedfb56eda8e6f",
  "fingerprint_description": "Windows Machine ID: 51c8ede0-459f-428a-a13d-18a42f4ce1d5",
  "org_id": 100113556,
  "expiry": 1465199772201
2016-06-01T09:39:41.819Z | TRACE  | loading plugins for command "run"
2016-06-01T09:39:41.865Z | TRACE  | run search paths:
2016-06-01T09:39:41.865Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\appc.js
2016-06-01T09:39:41.996Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 116ms C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium\appc.js
2016-06-01T09:39:41.996Z | DEBUG  | run plugin: C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\appc-cli-titanium
2016-06-01T09:39:41.996Z | DEBUG  | [PLUGIN-LOAD] 0ms C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\arrow\appc.js
2016-06-01T09:39:41.996Z | DEBUG  | run plugin: C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\arrow
2016-06-01T09:39:42.012Z | TRACE  | plugin "arrow" failed its "when" function check, skipping...
2016-06-01T09:39:42.012Z | TRACE  | loading plugin "titanium" for command "run" CLI options via function
2016-06-01T09:39:42.012Z | TRACE  | loading plugin "titanium" for command "run" CLI options via array
2016-06-01T09:39:42.012Z | TRACE  | executing command "run" with the following plugins:
2016-06-01T09:39:42.012Z | TRACE  | Attempting to load session info from config file
2016-06-01T09:39:42.012Z | TRACE  | check if session is invalidated
2016-06-01T09:39:43.734Z | TRACE  | session expiry 1465199772201 false
2016-06-01T09:39:43.742Z | TRACE  | session already loaded in opts.session
2016-06-01T09:39:43.743Z | DEBUG  | Titanium Downloads Last Checked: 1464756295656
6/1/2016, 2:39:50 PM
Operating System
  Name                        = Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
  Version                     = 10.0.10586
  Architecture                = 32bit
  # CPUs                      = 8
  Memory                      = 17070088192
  Node.js Version             = 0.12.14
  npm Version                 = 2.15.1
Titanium CLI
  CLI Version                 = 5.0.6
Titanium SDK
  SDK Version                 = 5.2.2.GA
  SDK Path                    = C:\ProgramData\Titanium\mobilesdk\win32\5.2.2.GA
  Target Platform             = android
  C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.exe C:\Users\ADMIN\.appcelerator\install\5.2.2\package\node_modules\titanium\lib\titanium.js build run --platform android --log-level trace --sdk 5.2.2.GA --project-dir C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace\Thriggle --target device --android-sdk C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Android\sdk --device-id AVY9KA9631828821 --liveview --deploy-type development --no-colors --no-progress-bars --no-prompt --prompt-type socket-bundle --prompt-port 4890 --config-file C:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\Temp\build-1464773983743.json --no-banner --project-dir C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace\Thriggle

[INFO] :   Writing build manifest: C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace\Thriggle\build\android\build-manifest.json
[INFO] :   Making sure the adb server is running
[INFO] :   Installing apk: C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace\Thriggle\build\android\bin\Thriggle.apk
[INFO] :   Installing app on device: HUAWEI TIT-AL00
[LiveView] version 1.0.8
[LiveView] File Server Started on Port 8324
[LiveView] Alloy project monitor started
[LiveView] Event Server Started on Port 8323
[INFO] :   App successfully installed
[INFO] :   Starting app: com.qi.Thriggle/.ThriggleActivity
[DEBUG] :  Trying to start the app...
[INFO] :   Application pid: 4456
-- Start application log -----------------------------------------------------
[DEBUG] :  OpenSSLLib: OpensslErr:Module:13(114:155); file:external/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c ;Line:145;Function:ASN1_get_object
[INFO] :   Project built successfully in 56s 440ms
[WARN] :   V8Object: (KrollRuntimeThread) [165,367] Runtime disposed, cannot set property 'userAgent'
[DEBUG] :  D/libc-netbsd: [getaddrinfo]: hostname=; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0
[DEBUG] :  D/libc-netbsd: [getaddrinfo]: ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null); ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
[DEBUG] :  D/libc-netbsd: [getaddrinfo]: hostname=; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0
[DEBUG] :  D/libc-netbsd: [getaddrinfo]: ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null); ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
[DEBUG] :  D/libc-netbsd: [getaddrinfo]: hostname=; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0
[DEBUG] :  D/libc-netbsd: [getaddrinfo]: ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null); ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
[DEBUG] :  Posix: [Posix_connect Debug]Process com.qi.Thriggle :8324
[LiveView] { [Error: ENOENT, open 'C:\Users\ADMIN\Documents\Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace\Thriggle\i18n\alloy_generated\strings.xml']
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  path: 'C:\\Users\\ADMIN\\Documents\\Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace\\Thriggle\\i18n\\alloy_generated\\strings.xml' }
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [10292,10292] ----- Titanium Javascript Runtime Error -----
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,10292] - In app.js:567,13
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,10292] - Message: Uncaught Error: [LiveView] File Server unavailable. Host Unreachable @
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: [LiveView] Please ensure your device and computer are on the same network and the port is not blocked.
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,10292] - Source:       throw new Error('[LiveView] File Server unavailable. Host Unreachable @
[ERROR] :  V8Exception: Exception occurred at app.js:567: Uncaught Error: [LiveView] File Server unavailable. Host Unreachable @
[ERROR] :  V8Exception: [LiveView] Please ensure your device and computer are on the same network and the port is not blocked.
[ERROR] :  GED: Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0)



1 回答 1


弄清楚了 !
在我的工作室中,我无法更新它....所以我们需要做的是安装最新版本的 Appcelerator Studio,构建:当前)并且实时取景就像一个魅力:D

于 2016-06-02T10:39:49.243 回答