我期望以下文本(注意 80 字符标记处的换行符):

This worked for a few months. Unfortunately, occasionally a test would time
out and fail after 18 seconds - maybe 1 in 100 test runs would fail with a
timeout. Normally when the tests fail you get back some kind of error message
- a Postgres constraint failure will print a useful message, or a Javascript
exception will bubble up, or Javascript will complain about an unhandled

通过降价编辑器运行时,生成以下 HTML:

This worked for a few months. Unfortunately, occasionally a test would time
out and fail after 18 seconds - maybe 1 in 100 test runs would fail with a
timeout. Normally when the tests fail you get back some kind of error message
- a Postgres constraint failure will print a useful message, or a Javascript
exception will bubble up, or Javascript will complain about an unhandled


<p>This worked for a few months. Unfortunately, occasionally a test would time
out and fail after 18 seconds - maybe 1 in 100 test runs would fail with a
timeout. Normally when the tests fail you get back some kind of error message</p>
<li>a Postgres constraint failure will print a useful message, or a Javascript
exception will bubble up, or Javascript will complain about an unhandled
<p>With this error we didn't get any of those. We also observed it could happen
anywhere - it didn't seem to correlate with any individual test or test file.</p>

这似乎不正确 - 我绝对不希望列表从段落中间开始。这是规范中的问题,还是我可以采取不同的措施来不触发这种行为?


2 回答 2

于 2016-05-26T16:15:30.503 回答



This worked for a few months. Unfortunately, occasionally a test would time
out and fail after 18 seconds - maybe 1 in 100 test runs would fail with a
timeout. Normally when the tests fail you get back some kind of error 
message - a Postgres constraint failure will print a useful message, or a 
Javascript exception will bubble up, or Javascript will complain about an
unhandled rejection.
于 2016-05-26T15:15:10.213 回答