我正在调试客户端和服务器之间的 TLS 握手。两个证书都由同一个 CA 通过openssl. 该过程在以下函数中失败mbedtls

 * Compare two X.509 Names (aka rdnSequence).
 * See RFC 5280 section 7.1, though we don't implement the whole algorithm:
 * we sometimes return unequal when the full algorithm would return equal,
 * but never the other way. (In particular, we don't do Unicode normalisation
 * or space folding.)
 * Return 0 if equal, -1 otherwise.
static int x509_name_cmp( const mbedtls_x509_name *a, const mbedtls_x509_name *b )
    /* Avoid recursion, it might not be optimised by the compiler */
    while( a != NULL || b != NULL )
        if( a == NULL || b == NULL )
            return( -1 );

        /* type */
        if( a->oid.tag != b->oid.tag ||
            a->oid.len != b->oid.len ||
            memcmp( a->oid.p, b->oid.p, b->oid.len ) != 0 )
            // *** FAIL ***
            return( -1 );

        /* value */
        if( x509_string_cmp( &a->val, &b->val ) != 0 )
            return( -1 );

        /* structure of the list of sets */
        if( a->next_merged != b->next_merged )
            return( -1 );

        a = a->next;
        b = b->next;

    /* a == NULL == b */
    return( 0 );


 * Type-length-value structure that allows for ASN1 using DER.
typedef struct mbedtls_asn1_buf
    int tag;                /**< ASN1 type, e.g. MBEDTLS_ASN1_UTF8_STRING. */
    size_t len;             /**< ASN1 length, in octets. */
    unsigned char *p;       /**< ASN1 data, e.g. in ASCII. */

就我而言,两者tag都是 6 ( MBEDTLS_ASN1_OID),len是 3,并且我有以下缓冲区:0x55 0x40 0x700x55 0x40 0xA0



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