我正在尝试使用 NetworkExtension 框架在 Mac OSX 上实现 IKEv2 vpn 连接。每次我得到一个弹出窗口来输入我的 vpn 连接密码。根据 NEVPNProtocol 规范,可以通过提供存储在钥匙串中的密码的持久引用来提供密码。但它不起作用。我在 iOS 中尝试过相同的 IKEv2 配置代码,它运行良好。

我编写了一个示例应用程序来演示我是如何做到的 - https://github.com/kestutisbalt/osx-ikev2-sample


class func set(key: String, value: String) {

    let query: [NSObject: AnyObject] = [
        kSecValueData: value.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!,
        kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
        kSecAttrGeneric: key,
        kSecAttrAccount: key,
        kSecAttrAccessible: kSecAttrAccessibleAlways,
        kSecAttrService: NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier!

    SecItemAdd(query as CFDictionaryRef, nil)


class func persistentRef(key: String) -> NSData? {
    let query: [NSObject: AnyObject] = [
        kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
        kSecAttrGeneric: key,
        kSecAttrAccount: key,
        kSecAttrAccessible: kSecAttrAccessibleAlways,
        kSecMatchLimit: kSecMatchLimitOne,
        kSecAttrService: NSBundle.mainBundle().bundleIdentifier!,
        kSecReturnPersistentRef: kCFBooleanTrue

    var secItem: AnyObject?
    let result = SecItemCopyMatching(query, &secItem)
    if result != errSecSuccess {
        return nil

    return secItem as? NSData

IKEv2 配置:

private func createIKEv2Protocol(host: String,
    username: String, password: String) -> NEVPNProtocolIKEv2 {

    Keychain.set(username, value: password)
    let passwordRef = Keychain.persistentRef(username)
    if passwordRef == nil {
        log("Failed to query password persistent ref")

    let config = NEVPNProtocolIKEv2()

    config.remoteIdentifier = host
    config.serverAddress = host
    config.useExtendedAuthentication = true
    config.username = username
    config.passwordReference = passwordRef

    return config

1 回答 1


Apple 开发者支持回复了我的问题:

The issue with your code is that it’s attempting to set up VPN in an unsupported way. Specifically, IKEv2 VPN does not support password-based authentication. The options you have for IKEv2 are listed in the NEVPNIKEAuthenticationMethod枚举,即 .Certificate 和 .SharedSecret。

于 2016-06-03T04:05:08.167 回答