使用 BehaviorSubject 创建一个暂停和恢复更新的阀门。dataUpdates
所以在伪代码中(我不编码 switft,所以请原谅我的语法)
// create a BehaviorSubject with default value true. It will always emit
// the latest value when subscribed to, thus it is kind of a variable
let valve = BehaviorSubject(value: true)
// we are only interested to get one `true` value. When the latest value
// received by the valve is `true`, this will give a value immediately when
// subscribed to. When the latest value is `false`, this will not give
// any events until it is true.
let openValve = valve.filter{$0}.take(1)
// for each data update, pass it through if the valve is open and otherwise
// start waiting for it to turn true
let pauseableDataUpdates = dataUpdates.concatMap{update in openValve.map { _ in update}}
// now when you start rendering, you do
// and after animation is done, you do