I have been using SVN with Eclipse for ages without problems. But suddenly, one project is not working properly, even though others are fine.

When I try to update I get this:

alt text

In the Eclipse log I see: U

nsupported working copy format svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 'C:\Work\xxxxxxxxxxxx\client'; please get a newer Subversion client

Any ideas? I can't see how to update the SVN plugin even if it is too old...


4 回答 4


At some point, someone ran a SVN comment on your sandbox using a client that uses a newer fromat than your plugin (probably a Subversion 1.5 client where you had previously been using 1.4).

If you don't update your client/plugin, you can checkout your sandbox again using your preferred client/plugin, or use the change-svn-wc-format.py script, as detailed in the Subversion 1.5 release notes, under Working Copy and Repository Format Changes.

于 2008-12-17T10:47:51.797 回答

Subversion 客户端在接触到您的工作副本时会自动升级它。正如 Blair 所说,有些东西触动了您的工作副本,可能是一个 1.5 客户端。

您需要将所有不同的 Subversion 客户端 - CollabNet(命令行)、TortoiseSVN、Subclipse、Subversive 等 - 都保留在同一个次要版本(1.4 与 1.5)上,否则您将继续遇到此问题。

Blair 有一个很好的修复策略,但最简单的方法是重新检查工作副本。

于 2008-12-17T17:01:49.750 回答

You can try to set SVN plugin (subclipse?) to use svnkit instead of native client.

于 2008-12-17T10:46:59.677 回答

If subversion is not included in your SVN plugin, then you need to upgrade your svn client itself. Have you checked whether the server you're connecting with has not been updated?

于 2008-12-17T10:45:50.803 回答