所以我有以下架构: Angular SPA(单页应用程序)执行对 .NET Web API 控制器的调用,该控制器将消息发布到 Publisher EasyNetQ 窗口服务,该服务将异步请求发送到名为 Subscriber 的第二个 EasyNetQ 窗口服务,它调用后端类生成SSRS报告,最后将异步响应发送回Publisher。这是有问题的架构图:
到目前为止一切顺利,订阅者收到响应,生成报告,并将消息发送回发布者。以下是 Web API 控制器将报告数据消息发送到发布者的方式:
private IHttpActionResult generateReports(int[] incidentIds)
var incident = this.incidentRepository.GetIncident(incidentIds[0]);
var client = this.clientService.GetClient(incident.ClientId_Fk);
using (var messageBus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost"))
// Loop through all incidents
foreach (var incidentId in incidentIds)
foreach (var format in this.formats)
Dictionary<Dictionary<int, Client>, SSRSReportFormat> reportData = new Dictionary
<Dictionary<int, Client>, SSRSReportFormat>()
{new Dictionary<int, Client>() {{incidentId, client}}, format}
messageBus.Publish(new ReportData
clientId = client.Id,
incidentId = incidentId,
clientName = client.Name,
clientNetworkPath = client.NetworkPath,
formatDescription = EnumUtils.GetDescription(format),
reportFormat = format.ToString()
return this.Ok();
catch (Exception ex)
return this.InternalServerError(ex);
这就是我从 Publisher 发送请求的方式:
public partial class CreateRequestService : ServiceBase
private IBus bus = null;
public CreateRequestService()
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
this.bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost");
this.bus.Subscribe<ReportData>("reportHandling", this.HandleReportData);
protected override void OnStop()
private void HandleReportData(ReportData reportData)
int clientId = reportData.clientId;
int incidentId = reportData.incidentId;
string clientName = reportData.clientName;
string clientNetworkPath = reportData.clientNetworkPath;
string formatDescription = reportData.formatDescription;
string reportFormat = reportData.reportFormat;
var task = this.bus.RequestAsync<ReportData, TestResponse>(reportData);
task.ContinueWith(response => Library.WriteErrorLog("Got response: '{0}'" + response.Result.Response, "PublisherLogFile"));
public partial class RequestResponderService : ServiceBase
private IBus bus = null;
public RequestResponderService()
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the Bus to receive and respond to messages through
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
// Create a group of worker objects
var workers = new BlockingCollection<MyWorker>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
workers.Add(new MyWorker());
// Initialize the bus
this.bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost");
// Respond to the request asynchronously
this.bus.RespondAsync<ReportData, TestResponse>(request =>
(Task<TestResponse>) Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
var worker = workers.Take();
return worker.Execute(request);
catch (Exception)
protected override void OnStop()
class MyWorker
public TestResponse Execute(ReportData request)
int clientId = request.clientId;
int incidentId = request.incidentId;
string clientName = request.clientName;
string clientNetworkPath = request.clientNetworkPath;
string formatDescription = request.formatDescription;
string reportFormat = request.reportFormat;
ReportQuery reportQuery = new ReportQuery();
reportQuery.Get(incidentId, reportFormat, formatDescription, clientName, clientNetworkPath, clientId);
return new TestResponse { Response = " ***** Report generated for client: " + clientName + ", incident Id: " + incidentId + ", and format: " + reportFormat + " ***** " };
虽然这一切都有效,但我还需要一些方法来通知 Angular SPA 已生成报告,以便我可以给用户适当的反馈。这是我有点失落的地方。EasyNetQ 可以与 Angular 代码交互吗?此外,一旦我在 Publisher 中收到响应,我可能会在我的 Web API 控制器中调用一些方法,但仍然存在警告 Angular 代码的问题。有任何想法吗?