正如许多人抱怨的那样,Retina Display 的 Apple SDK 似乎存在一个错误,并且 imageWithContentsOfFile 实际上不会自动加载 2x 图像。

我偶然发现了一篇不错的帖子,如何制作一个检测 UIScreen 比例因子并正确加载低或高分辨率图像的函数(http://atastypixel.com/blog/uiimage-resolution-independence-and-the-iphone-4s -retina-display/),但是该解决方案加载了 2x 图像并且仍然将图像的比例因子设置为 1.0,这导致 2x 图像缩放了 2 倍(因此,比它看起来要大 4 倍)

imageNamed 似乎可以准确地加载低分辨率和高分辨率图像,但对我来说是没有选择的。

是否有人有不使用自动加载 imageNamed 或 imageWithContentsOfFile 来加载低/高分辨率图像的解决方案?(或最终解决如何使 imageWithContentsOfFile 正常工作)


6 回答 6


好的,迈克尔在这里找到的实际解决方案:http: //atastypixel.com/blog/uiimage-resolution-independence-and-the-iphone-4s-retina-display/

他发现 UIImage 有方法“initWithCGImage”,它也接受一个比例因子作为输入(我猜你可以设置自己的比例因子的唯一方法)

[UIImage initWithCGImage:scale:orientation:]

这似乎很好用,您可以自定义加载高分辨率图像,只需将比例因子设置为 2.0

imageWithContentsOfFile 的问题在于,由于它目前无法正常工作,因此即使它已修复,我们也无法信任它(因为某些用户的设备上仍会使用较旧的 iOS)

于 2010-09-18T10:30:40.180 回答


NSString *imgFile = ...path to your file;
NSData *imgData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:imgFile];
UIImage *img = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imgData];
于 2013-02-21T22:23:35.773 回答

imageWithContentsOfFile从 iOS 4.1 及更高版本开始正常工作(考虑具有正确比例的@2x 图像)。

于 2010-12-15T04:17:34.310 回答

增强 Lisa Rossellis 的答案以将视网膜图像保持在所需大小(而不是按比例放大):

NSString *imagePath = ...Path to your image
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:imagePath] scale:[UIScreen mainScreen].scale];
于 2013-05-07T08:26:34.470 回答

我已经为这个问题开发了一个临时解决方法。它使用方法调配来替换 UIImage 的“imageWithContentsOfFile:”方法的行为。它在视网膜前/后的 iPhone/iPod 上运行良好。不确定iPad。


#import </usr/include/objc/objc-class.h>

@implementation NSString(LoadHighDef)

/** If self is the path to an image, returns the nominal path to the high-res variant of that image */
-(NSString*) stringByInsertingHighResPathModifier {

     NSString *path = [self stringByDeletingPathExtension];

     // We determine whether a device modifier is present, and in case it is, where is 
     // the "split position" at which the "@2x" token is to be added
     NSArray  *deviceModifiers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"~iphone", @"~ipad", nil];
     NSInteger splitIdx = [path length];
     for (NSString *modifier in deviceModifiers) {
          if ([path hasSuffix:modifier]) {
               splitIdx -= [modifier length];

     // We insert the "@2x" token in the string at the proper position; if no 
     // device modifier is present the token is added at the end of the string
     NSString *highDefPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@2x%@",[path substringToIndex:splitIdx], [path substringFromIndex:splitIdx]];

     // We possibly add the extension, if there is any extension at all
     NSString *ext = [self pathExtension];
     return [ext length]>0? [highDefPath stringByAppendingPathExtension:ext] : highDefPath;


@implementation UIImage (LoadHighDef)

/* Upon loading this category, the implementation of "imageWithContentsOfFile:" is exchanged with the implementation
 * of our custom "imageWithContentsOfFile_custom:" method, whereby we replace and fix the behavior of the system selector. */
+(void)load {
     Method originalMethod    = class_getClassMethod([UIImage class], @selector(imageWithContentsOfFile:));
     Method replacementMethod = class_getClassMethod([UIImage class], @selector(imageWithContentsOfFile_custom:));
     method_exchangeImplementations(replacementMethod, originalMethod);

/** This method works just like the system "imageWithContentsOfFile:", but it loads the high-res version of the image 
 *  instead of the default one in case the device's screen is high-res and the high-res variant of the image is present.
 *  We assume that the original "imageWithContentsOfFile:" implementation properly sets the "scale" factor upon 
 *  loading a "@2x" image . (this is its behavior as of OS 4.0.1).
 *  Note: The "imageWithContentsOfFile_custom:" invocations in this code are not recursive calls by virtue of 
 *  method swizzling. In fact, the original UIImage implementation of "imageWithContentsOfFile:" gets called.

+ (UIImage*) imageWithContentsOfFile_custom:(NSString*)imgName {

     // If high-res is supported by the device...
     UIScreen *screen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
     if ([screen respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)] && [screen scale]>=2.0) {

          // then we look for the high-res version of the image first
          UIImage  *hiDefImg = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile_custom:[imgName stringByInsertingHighResPathModifier]];

          // If such high-res version exists, we return it
          // The scale factor will be correctly set because once you give imageWithContentsOfFile:
          // the full hi-res path it properly takes it into account 
          if (hiDefImg!=nil)
               return hiDefImg;

     // If the device does not support high-res of it does but there is
     // no high-res variant of imgName, we return the base version
     return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile_custom:imgName];

于 2010-09-20T14:55:32.610 回答

[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:]如果您指定绝对路径,则不会加载 @2x 图形。


- (UIImage *)loadRetinaImageIfAvailable:(NSString *)path {

    NSString *retinaPath = [[path stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@2x.%@", [[path lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension], [path pathExtension]]];

    if( [UIScreen mainScreen].scale == 2.0 && [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:retinaPath] == YES) 
        return [[[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:[[UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:retinaPath]] CGImage] scale:2.0 orientation:UIImageOrientationUp] autorelease];
        return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];

归功于Christof Dorner的简单解决方案(我在此处修改并粘贴)。

于 2012-04-12T18:52:41.013 回答