我似乎要么失去理智,要么错误地实现了 A* 算法:

下面是我的代码,似乎无论我输入什么值,它总是会返回 360。我在这里遗漏了一些关键信息吗?同样在有人问是之前,这与我收到的机器学习作业有关。

公共类 A_Star {

private ArrayList<SearchNode> closedNodes = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
private ArrayList<SearchNode> openNodes = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
private ArrayList<SearchNode> siblingNodes = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
private ArrayList<SearchNode> obstacleNodes;
final SearchNode START_NODE = new SearchNode(0,115,655);
final SearchNode END_NODE = new SearchNode(0,380,560);
final int HEURISTIC = 1 * Math.abs((END_NODE.getxCoordinate() - START_NODE.getxCoordinate()) + (START_NODE.getyCoordinate() - END_NODE.getyCoordinate())) ;

private int cost = 0;
//Start: (115, 655) End: (380, 560)

public  int starSearch(SearchNode currentNode, Set<SearchNode> obstacleNodes) throws Exception  {
    //h(n) = D * (abs(n.x-goal.x) + abs(n.y-goal.y))

    boolean isMaxY = false;
    boolean isMaxX = false;
    int currentY = currentNode.getyCoordinate();
    int currentX = currentNode.getxCoordinate();
    System.out.println(currentNode.getxCoordinate() + " " + currentNode.getyCoordinate() + " Current Coordinates");

    int currentGScore = Math.abs(currentNode.getxCoordinate() - END_NODE.getxCoordinate()) + (currentNode.getyCoordinate() - END_NODE.getyCoordinate());

    System.out.println("Current node G score at entry: " + currentNode.getgScore());



    if(currentNode.getyCoordinate() == END_NODE.getyCoordinate()){
         if(currentNode.getxCoordinate() == END_NODE.getxCoordinate())   {
                isMaxX =true;

    SearchNode bottomCenter = new SearchNode(0,currentNode.getxCoordinate(), currentNode.getyCoordinate() -1);
   SearchNode middleRight = new SearchNode(0,currentNode.getxCoordinate() +1, currentNode.getyCoordinate() );
   SearchNode middleLeft = new SearchNode(0,currentNode.getxCoordinate() -1, currentNode.getyCoordinate());
    SearchNode topCenter = new SearchNode(0,currentNode.getxCoordinate(), currentNode.getyCoordinate()+1);
     int middleRightGScore = Math.abs(middleRight.getxCoordinate() - END_NODE.getxCoordinate()) + (middleRight.getyCoordinate() - END_NODE.getyCoordinate());
     int bottomCenterGScore = Math.abs(bottomCenter.getxCoordinate() - END_NODE.getxCoordinate()) + (bottomCenter.getyCoordinate() - END_NODE.getyCoordinate());
     int middleLeftGScore = Math.abs(middleLeft.getxCoordinate() - END_NODE.getxCoordinate()) + (middleLeft.getyCoordinate() - END_NODE.getyCoordinate());
     int topCenterGScore = Math.abs(topCenter.getxCoordinate() - END_NODE.getxCoordinate()) + (topCenter.getyCoordinate() - END_NODE.getyCoordinate());
     for(SearchNode obstacleNode:obstacleNodes){
         int obstacleX = obstacleNode.getxCoordinate();
         int obstacleY = obstacleNode.getyCoordinate();

          if((middleRight != null) && (middleRight.getxCoordinate() == obstacleX)){
        if(middleRight.getyCoordinate() == obstacleY){

           // throw new Exception();
            System.out.println("REMOVING AND NULLING: " + middleRight.toString());
                  middleRight = null;


      if((middleLeft!=null)&&(middleLeft.getxCoordinate() == obstacleX)){
        if(middleLeft.getyCoordinate() == obstacleY){

            System.out.println("REMOVING AND NULLING: " + middleLeft.toString());
    } if((bottomCenter!=null) &&(bottomCenter.getxCoordinate() == obstacleX)){
        if(bottomCenter.getyCoordinate() == obstacleY){

            System.out.println("REMOVING AND NULLING: " + bottomCenter.toString());
                  bottomCenter = null;
    } if((topCenter!=null) && (topCenter.getxCoordinate() == obstacleX)){
        if(topCenter.getyCoordinate() == obstacleY){
                  System.out.println("REMOVING AND NULLING: " + topCenter.toString());

    if((middleRight != null) && (middleRight.getxCoordinate() != obstacleX)){
        if(middleRight.getyCoordinate() != obstacleY){
                   System.out.println("ADDING THE FOLLOWING:  " + middleRight.toString());

      if((middleLeft != null) && (middleLeft.getxCoordinate() != obstacleX)){
        if(middleLeft.getyCoordinate() != obstacleY){

    } if((bottomCenter != null) && (bottomCenter.getxCoordinate() != obstacleX)){
        if(bottomCenter.getyCoordinate() != obstacleY){

    } if((topCenter !=null) && (topCenter.getxCoordinate() != obstacleX)){
        if(topCenter.getyCoordinate() != obstacleY){


    int highestScore = currentNode.getgScore();
    for(SearchNode node: siblingNodes){
          if(node == null){
        if(node.getxCoordinate() == END_NODE.getxCoordinate() && node.getyCoordinate() == END_NODE.getyCoordinate()){
            System.out.println("Returning cost: " + ++cost + " of: " + node.toString());
            return cost;
       // System.out.println("Current node size: " + siblingNodes.size());
         if(node.getgScore() < highestScore){

             highestScore = node.getgScore();
             System.out.println("Changed highest score: " + highestScore);
             System.out.println("Removing node: " + node.toString());
             System.out.println("Incrementing cost the Current Cost: " + cost);

    if(isMaxY && isMaxX){
                  return cost;
    return cost;
    //Always move diagonal right downwards

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
     A_Star star = new A_Star();
    HashSet<SearchNode> obstacles = new HashSet<SearchNode>();
    obstacles.add(new SearchNode(0,311,530));
    obstacles.add(new SearchNode(0,311,559));
    obstacles.add(new SearchNode(0,339,578));
    obstacles.add(new SearchNode(0,361,560));
    obstacles.add(new SearchNode(0,361,528));
    obstacles.add(new SearchNode(0,116, 655));
   int cost = star.starSearch(star.START_NODE, obstacles);

    //((311, 530), (311, 559), (339, 578), (361, 560), (361, 528), (336, 516))


公共类 SearchNode {

    private int xCoordinate;
    private int yCoordinate;
    private int cost;

public int getfScore() {
    return fScore;

public void setfScore(int fScore) {
    this.fScore = fScore;

private int fScore;

public int getgScore() {
    return gScore;

public void setgScore(int gScore) {
    this.gScore = gScore;

private int gScore;  

public SearchNode(int cost, int xCoordinate,int yCoordinate){
this.xCoordinate =xCoordinate;
this.yCoordinate = yCoordinate;
public int getCost() { 返回成本;}

   public void setCost(int cost) {
       this.cost = cost;

   public int getxCoordinate() {
       return xCoordinate;

   public void setxCoordinate(int xCoordinate) {
       this.xCoordinate = xCoordinate;

   public int getyCoordinate() {
       return yCoordinate;

   public void setyCoordinate(int yCoordinate) {
       this.yCoordinate = yCoordinate;

public String toString(){
    return "Y Coordinate: " + this.yCoordinate + " X Coordinate: " + this.xCoordinate + " G Score: " + this.gScore;



2 回答 2


下面是我的代码,似乎无论我输入什么值,它总是会返回 360。


final SearchNode START_NODE = new SearchNode(0,115,655);
final SearchNode END_NODE = new SearchNode(0,380,560);

假设您使用的是曼哈顿距离启发式,(380-115) + (655-560) = 265 + 95 = 360

由于其格式,代码有点难以阅读。但我的猜测是您计算了起始节点的 h 值,然后您将其用于每个节点。请记住 h(x) <= d(x,y) + h(y) 并为每个节点扩展计算它。

于 2010-09-17T23:13:43.503 回答

我假设该图是一个规则的矩形网格,其中有障碍节点,任何解决方案都不应该通过。此外,我假设从一个节点到一个邻居节点的旅行是 1。我还意识到曼哈顿距离被用作启发式。


首先,您应该使用迭代方法而不是递归方法。鉴于你的图表的大小,如果它是一个正确的实现,你肯定会得到 Stackoverflows。

其次,GValue、HValue、FValue 和/或成本的概念似乎存在问题。我觉得有义务对这些术语进行非正式的描述。

A* 使用的简单公式是 F = G + H 其中

G 是当前计算的从起始节点到当前节点的旅行成本。因此,对于起始节点,G 值应为 0,从 startNode 可到达的任何节点的 G 值都应为 1(我的假设是,从一个节点到相邻节点)我想强调“当前”术语在这里,因为节点的 gValue 可能会在算法运行期间发生变化。

H是成本的启发式部分,表示从当前节点到结束节点的成本。与 G 部分不同,节点的 H 值根本不会改变(好吧,我在这里有疑问,可能有这样的启发式方法吗?,你的没有,所以让我们继续吧),它应该只计算一次。您的实现似乎使用曼哈顿距离作为启发式,这绝对是此类图的最佳启发式。但是要注意我的朋友,那里似乎也有一个小问题:差异的绝对值应该单独取,然后求和。

F 是这些值的总和,表示从当前节点传递解决方案的可能成本(鉴于您的图表和启发式,任何计算的 F 值都应等于或小于实际成本,这很好)。

有了这些,我会使用这样的 SearchNode:

public class SearchNode {
    private int xCoordinate;
    private int yCoordinate;
    private double gScore;
    private double hScore;

    public double getfScore() {
        return gScore + hScore;

    public double getgScore() {
        return gScore;

    public void setgScore(int gScore) {
        this.gScore = gScore;

    public SearchNode(int xCoordinate,int yCoordinate, double gScore, SearchNode endNode) {
        this.hScore = //Manhattan distance from this node to end node
        this.xCoordinate =xCoordinate;
        this.yCoordinate = yCoordinate;

   public int getxCoordinate() {
       return xCoordinate;

   public int getyCoordinate() {
       return yCoordinate;


private ArrayList<SearchNode> closedNodes = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
private ArrayList<SearchNode> openNodes = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
//create the start and end nodes
SearchNode end = new SearchNode(380, 560, -1, null);
SearchNode start = new SearchNode(115,655, 0, end);

// add start node to the openSet


while(openNodes.Count > 0) // while there still is a node to test
    // I am afraid there is another severe problem here.
    // OpenSet should be PriorityQueue like collection, not a regular Collection.
    // I suggest you to take a look at a Minimum BinaryHeap implementation. It has a logN complexity
    // of insertion and deletion and Constant Complexity access.

   // take the Node with the smallest FValue from the openSet. (With BinHeap constant time!)
    SearchNode current = openNodes.GetSmallestFvaluedNode(); // this should both retrieve and remove the node fromt he openset.

    // if it is the endNode, then we are node. The FValue (or the Gvalue as well since h value is zero here) is equal to the cost.
    if (current.EqualTo(end)) // not reference equality, you should check the x,y values
    return current.getfScore();

   //check the neighbourNodes, they may have been created in a previous iteration and already present in the OpenNodes collection. If it is the case, their G values should be compared with the currently calculated ones.
 // dont forget to check the limit values, we probably do not need nodes with negative or greater than the grid size coordinate values, I am not writing it
 // also here is the right place to check for the blocking nodes with a simple for loop I am not writing it either

  double neighbourGValue = current.getgScore() + 1;
 if (openNodes.Contains(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate() + 1))
     // then compare the gValue of it with the current calculated value.
     SearchNode neighbour = openNodess.getNode(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate() + 1);
     if(neighbour.getgScore() > neighbourGValue)
  else if(!closedNodes.Contains(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate()))
      // create and add a fresh Node
     SearchNode n = new SearchNode(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate() + 1, neighbourGValue, endNode);
  // do the same for the other sides : [x+1,y - x-1,y - x, y-1]

  // lastly add the currentNode to the CloseNodes.

// if the loop is terminated without finding a result, then there is no way from the given start node to the end node.
 return -1;


if (openNodes.Contains(current.getXCoordinate(), current.getYCoordinate() + 1))

即使开放集被实现为最小二叉堆,也没有简单的方法来检查非最小 f 值节点。我现在不记得细节了,但我记得用 logN 复杂度实现了这个。此外,我的实现是在一次调用中访问和更改该节点的 g 值(如果有必要),因此您不必花时间再次检索它。无论 g 值是否改变,如果存在具有给定坐标的节点,则返回 true,因此不会生成新节点。



于 2010-09-18T01:32:01.027 回答