* Basic flow chart to draw connections between nodes and lines.
* requires jQuery and jQuery UI.
var FlowChart = function(jQueryLibraryObj){
var _t = this;
_t.jQueryLibraryObj = jQueryLibraryObj;
* jQuery library object.
* @type {jQuery}
FlowChart.prototype.jQueryLibraryObj = {};
* Connections layer template.
* This layer is for connection lines only.
* @type {string}
FlowChart.prototype.connectionsLayerTemplate = "<svg id='connections-layer' class='layer'><svg>";
* Nodes layer template.
* This layer is for nodes only. Each node is can be whatever absolute positioned DOM element.
* @type {string}
FlowChart.prototype.nodesLayerTemplate = "<div id='nodes-layer' class='layer'></div>";
* Default node templates. Node templates are key - value objects, where key is in the same time the node type
* and node css class. Value is the node content template. Node content is wrapped in a node wrapper DOM element.
* Node wrapper DOM element is absolute positioned and placed in the nodes layer.
* @type {{simple-node: string}}
FlowChart.prototype.nodeTemplates = {
"simple-node": "simple node"
* Default root node position in the nodes layer.
* @type {{left: number, top: number}}
* Default offset for the next child node element. If not explicitly specified, the child nodes are added on the
* right side of the parent node with this particular offset.
* @type {number}
FlowChart.prototype.offsetForNextElement = 200;
* Default node action end effect name.
* @type {string}
* Default node actions for each node added to the nodes layer.
* Default action adds a new simple node when user clicks on the node.
* @param nodeObj
* @param chartInstanceObj
* Elements index counter used to generate unique id for the nodes and layers.
* @type {number}
FlowChart.prototype.elementIndex = 0;
* Returns next available element index.
* @returns {number}
FlowChart.prototype.nextElementIndex = function(){
this.elementIndex = this.elementIndex + 1;
return this.elementIndex;
* Chart connections collection.
* @type {{}}
FlowChart.prototype.connections = {};
* Adds or updates a connection in the connections collection.
* @param connId
* @param startNodeId
* @param endNodeId
* @param connD
FlowChart.prototype.addOrUpdateConnectionInConnectionsObject = function(connId, startNodeId, endNodeId, connD){
this.connections[connId] = {
start: startNodeId,
end: endNodeId,
d: connD
* Deletes connection from connections collection.
* @param connId
* Gets a connection from connections collection.
* @param connId
* @returns {collection object}
FlowChart.prototype.getConnectionFromConnectionsObject = function(connId){
return this.connections[connId];
* Chart Nodes collection.
* @type {{}}
FlowChart.prototype.nodes = {};
* Adds or updates node in the nodes collection.
* @param nodeId
* @param nodeType
* @param nodeContent
* @param nodeLeftPos
* @param nodeTopPos
* @param startpointFor
* @param endpointFor
FlowChart.prototype.addOrUpdateNodeInNodesObject = function(nodeId, nodeType, nodeContent, nodeLeftPos, nodeTopPos, startpointFor, endpointFor){
this.nodes[nodeId] = {
type: nodeType,
content: nodeContent,
left: nodeLeftPos,
top: nodeTopPos,
startFor: startpointFor,
endFor: endpointFor
* Deletes node from the nodes collection.
* @param nodeId
FlowChart.prototype.deleteNodeFromNodesObject = function(nodeId){
delete this.nodes[nodeId];
* Gets node from the nodes collection.
* @param nodeId
* @returns {*}
FlowChart.prototype.getNodeFromNodesObject = function(nodeId){
return this.nodes[nodeId];
* Positions single connection point (start- or endpoint).
* @param left
* @param top
* @param linePointType
* @param lineObj
* @param finishArrangement
FlowChart.prototype.positionConnectionPoint = function(left, top, linePointType, lineObj, finishArrangement){
var d = this.getConnectionFromConnectionsObject(lineObj.attr('id')).d.split(' ');
if (linePointType === 'endpoint') {
d[3] = left + ',' + top;
if (finishArrangement) {
d[2] = left + ',' + top;
if (linePointType === 'startpoint') {
d[0] = 'M' + left + ',' + top;
if (finishArrangement) {
d[1] = 'C' + left + ',' + top;
d = d.join(' ');
lineObj.attr('d', d);
this.connections[lineObj.attr('id')].d = d;
* Positions connections of the node.
* @param nodeObj
* @param finishArrangement
FlowChart.prototype.positionConnectionLines = function(nodeObj, finishArrangement){
var _t = this;
var t = nodeObj;
var left = t.offset().left + t.outerWidth() / 2;
var top = t.offset().top + t.outerHeight() / 2;
var linesRight = _t.nodes[t.attr('id')].startFor;
var linesLeft = _t.nodes[t.attr('id')].endFor;
for (var i = 0; i < linesRight.length; i++)
this.positionConnectionPoint(left, top, 'startpoint', _t.jQueryLibraryObj('#' + linesRight[i]), finishArrangement);
for (var i = 0; i < linesLeft.length; i++)
this.positionConnectionPoint(left, top, 'endpoint', _t.jQueryLibraryObj('#' + linesLeft[i]), finishArrangement);
* Adds new node both in nodes collection and in the DOM.
* @param nodeId
* @param nodeType
* @param nodeContent
* @param posLeft
* @param posTop
* @returns {string}
FlowChart.prototype.addNodeWithIdContentAndPosition = function(nodeId, nodeType, nodeContent, posLeft, posTop){
var _t = this;
// if no content specified, just get the template
if (!nodeContent || nodeContent === ''){
nodeContent = _t.nodeTemplates[nodeType];
// add new node to nodes layer
var nodesLayer = this.jQueryLibraryObj('#nodes-layer');
var nodeClass = 'node ' + nodeType;
var node = "<div id='" + nodeId + "' class='" + nodeClass + "'>" + nodeContent + "</div>";
node = this.jQueryLibraryObj('#' + nodeId);
// add node
_t.addOrUpdateNodeInNodesObject(nodeId, nodeType, _t.nodeTemplates[nodeType], 0, 0, [], []);
// define node position
node.offset({left: posLeft, top: posTop});
_t.nodes[nodeId].left = posLeft;
_t.nodes[nodeId].top = posTop;
// adjust layers size to avoid scrolling out of viewport
// nice appearing effect
return node;
* Adds new node both in nodes collection and in the DOM.
* @param nodeType
* @param posLeft
* @param posTop
* @returns {*}
FlowChart.prototype.addNodeWithPosition = function(nodeType, posLeft, posTop){
var _t = this;
return _t.addNodeWithIdContentAndPosition("node-" + _t.nextElementIndex(), nodeType, _t.nodeTemplates[nodeType], posLeft, posTop);
* Adds new node both in nodes collection and in the DOM.
* @param nodeType
* @param parentNode
* @returns {*}
FlowChart.prototype.addNode = function(nodeType, parentNode) {
var _t = this;
var posLeft = 0;
var posTop = 0;
var node = null;
if (!parentNode){
posLeft = _t.rootElementPosition.left;
posTop = _t.rootElementPosition.top;
node = _t.addNodeWithPosition(nodeType, posLeft, posTop);
posLeft = parentNode.offset().left + _t.offsetForNextElement;
posTop = parentNode.offset().top;
node = _t.addNodeWithPosition(nodeType, posLeft, posTop);
_t.addConnectionBetween(parentNode, node);
return node;
* Deletes node both from nodes collection and DOM.
* @param nodeId
FlowChart.prototype.deleteNode = function(nodeId){
var _t = this;
var node = _t.jQueryLibraryObj('#' + nodeId);
var nodeObj = _t.getNodeFromNodesObject(nodeId);
var linesRight = nodeObj.startFor;
var linesLeft = nodeObj.endFor;
for (var i = 0; i < linesRight.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < linesLeft.length; i++) {
* Deletes connection both in connections collection and DOM.
* @param connectionId
FlowChart.prototype.deleteConnection = function(connectionId){
var conn = this.jQueryLibraryObj('#' + connectionId);
var connObj = this.getConnectionFromConnectionsObject(connectionId);
var startNode = this.nodes[connObj.start];
var endNode = this.nodes[connObj.end];
var linesRight = startNode.startFor;
var index = linesRight.indexOf(connectionId);
this.nodes[connObj.start].startFor = linesRight;
var linesLeft = endNode.endFor;
var index = linesLeft.indexOf(connectionId);
this.nodes[connObj.end].endFor = linesLeft;
* Adds connection between two nodes. And registers it to these nodes.
* @param startNode
* @param endNode
FlowChart.prototype.addConnectionBetween = function(startNode, endNode){
var _t = this;
// add connection line and register it to start and end nodes
var conId = this.addConnection(startNode, endNode);
var startpointFor = this.nodes[startNode.attr('id')].startFor;
this.nodes[startNode.attr('id')].startFor = startpointFor;
var endpointFor = this.nodes[endNode.attr('id')].endFor;
this.nodes[endNode.attr('id')].endFor = endpointFor;
// reposition connection lines
_t.positionConnectionLines(startNode, true);
_t.positionConnectionLines(endNode, true);
* Adds connection between two nodes without registering it to these nodes.
* @param startNode
* @param endNode
* @returns {string}
FlowChart.prototype.addConnection = function(startNode, endNode) {
var conLayer = this.jQueryLibraryObj('#connections-layer');
var currentDate = new Date();
var startNodePos = startNode.offset();
var endNodePos = endNode.offset();
var conCoordinates = "M" + startNodePos.left + "," + startNodePos.top +
" C" + startNodePos.left + "," + startNodePos.top +
" " + endNodePos.left + "," + endNodePos.top +
" " + endNodePos.left + "," + endNodePos.top;
var newpath = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","path");
newpath.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "line-" + this.nextElementIndex() );
newpath.setAttributeNS(null, "d", conCoordinates);
this.addOrUpdateConnectionInConnectionsObject("line-" + this.elementIndex, startNode.attr('id'), endNode.attr('id'), conCoordinates);
return "line-" + this.elementIndex;
* Adjusts layers sizes so it can pass to the layers content.
FlowChart.prototype.adjustLayersSize = function() {
* Exports chart as a JSON object.
* @returns {{nodes: Array, connections: Array}}
FlowChart.prototype.exportChart = function(){
var nodes = this.nodes;
var conns = this.connections;
var chartJSON = {
nodes: [],
connections: []
for (var node in nodes) {
if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(node)) {
var nodeObj = {
id: node,
type: nodes[node].type,
content: nodes[node].content,
left: nodes[node].left,
top: nodes[node].top
for (var conn in conns) {
if (conns.hasOwnProperty(conn)) {
var connObj = {
start: conns[conn].start,
end: conns[conn].end
return chartJSON;
* Imports chart as a JSON object.
* @param chartJSON {{nodes: Array, connections: Array}}
FlowChart.prototype.importChart = function(chartJSON){
var _t = this;
var nodes = chartJSON.nodes;
var conns = chartJSON.connections;
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
for (var i = 0; i < conns.length; i++){
var startNode = _t.jQueryLibraryObj('#' + conns[i].start);
var endNode = _t.jQueryLibraryObj('#' + conns[i].end);
_t.addConnectionBetween(startNode, endNode);
我在 html 页面中绘制了一个圆圈,该圆圈源自另一个页面上的 iframe。iframe 显示对齐的所有内容,除了那些不可见的圆圈。我必须使用其他东西而不是 iframe 吗?流程图.js
HTML 流程图
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<link href="Styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<link href="Styles/flowchart.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="Scripts/flowchart.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
var obj = JSON.parse($("#hdnchartJSON").val()); //get chartJSON from code-behind
var chart = null;
chart = new FlowChart($); //instantiate and import chartJSON to flowchart.js
chart.nodeTemplates = {
"simple-node": "<div></div>",
"start-node": "<svg> width='100%' height='100%'> <circle cx='148' cy='50' r='35' stroke='black' fill='white' /> <text x='148' y='50' font-family='sans-serif' font-size='20px'text-anchor='middle' fill='Black'>Start</text></svg>",
"end-node": "<svg> width='100%' height='100%'> <circle cx='148' cy='50' r='35' stroke='black' fill='white' /> <text x='148' y='50' font-family='sans-serif' font-size='20px'text-anchor='middle' fill='Black'>End</text></svg>"
<h1 class="form-section title">Process FlowChart </h1>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:HiddenField ID="hdnchartJSON" runat="server" />
HTML 另一个.aspx
<div class="row-fluid">
<aside style="background-color: white;">
<iframe style="width: 100%; border: none" src="FlowChart.aspx" onload="resizeIframe(this)"></iframe>
<div class="row-fluid">
<object style="width: 100%; border: none" data="FlowChart.aspx"></object>
当我直接访问流程图.aspx 时,它会正确显示整个流程图,但不在 iframe 或对象中
此外,如果我删除 svg 圆圈,即:开始和结束节点,则 iframe 可以很好地显示流程图。
这是 iframe 或对象标记中的结果