How can I authenticate a user with LDAP using CGI/TCL stack?
Please provide a sample code-snippet if possible.
I am using an Apache Web Server on RHEL 5.0; AD exists on a remote Win2003 server.
Here's the ldap package. You first bind using some "bind user" who can see everyone. You then search for the user based on some attribute like e-mail address or sAMAccountName. If the user exists, bind again using the given password and the full path of the user.
Here is an example that will connect to an ldap server and retrieve all of the info ldap has about an email address:
package require ldap
set sEmailAddress ""
set handle [::ldap::connect 3268]
ldap::bind $handle
set result [::ldap::search $handle "dc=example,dc=com" "(mail=$sEmailAddress)" {sAMAccountName}]
foreach {object attributes} $result {
foreach {name val} $attributes {
puts "$name\t$val"