在 vba 中使用 vlookup 公式时,是否存在一种避免四舍五入结果的方法。这是我的代码:
Sub test()
Dim lastrow, pressurecolumn, lastcolumn As String, total As Integer, x, row, irow, column As Double
lastrow = Range("B8").End(xlDown).Value + 7
Range("Pump_design[Total Pipe losses from plantroom]").ClearContents
For Each row In Columns("EZ")
For irow = 8 To lastrow
total = 0
For column = 4 To 153
x = Cells(irow, column).Value
If Not IsEmpty(x) Then
total = total + Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(x, Sheets("Pump Design").Range("Pump_design"), 154, False)
End If
Next column
Cells(irow, "EZ") = Round(total, 4)
If Cells(irow, "EZ") = 0 Then Cells(irow, "EZ").ClearContents
Next irow
row = irow + 1
Next row
End Sub