我正在使用 couchdbx v. 0.8.1 和 datamapper 0.9.8。我写了一些简单的视图,从其他示例中复制了一些。如果我用浏览器查询视图,它们会返回 id。如果我在 ruby​​ 中使用 datamapper 查询它们,我不会得到任何 id。我已经用谷歌搜索了好几天,一直在 IRC 上查看沙发和 datamapper 谷歌组。我试过降级我的datamapper和couchdb。没有什么。还有其他人遇到这个问题吗?


1 回答 1


I see that there is a couchdb adapter for datamapper (dm-couchdb-adapter), but I'm not familiar with it. Are you sure that you need to be using an ORM for accessing CouchDB? There are a few ruby libraries that may be better suited to accessing CouchDB, e.g. CouchRest.

You should note that the Google group for CouchDB is now dead. You should try asking on the mailing list users@couchdb.apache.org. These are the archives: Graduated; Incubator There are plenty of people there that have experience using CouchDB with Ruby and should be able to point you in the right direction.

于 2008-12-17T10:22:48.433 回答