I'm not very familiar with scala so I hope that my question makes sense:

I have a complex parametrised class, but lets resume it to:

class Foo[T] {
    def foo(x: T) = {/*do something*/}

Now In another part of the program, I would like to build something like:

val mylist = List[Foo[_]](new Foo[Int], new Foo[String], ...)

I'd like to be able to do something like:


but get

Type mismatch: expected _$1, actual: Int

I think it can be resolved with TypeTags but I couldn't adapt any of the material I saw on this subject. Here I'd like to tell the Foo that it' supposed to be parametrised by an Int.

Moreover, In the actual use case, I'll get a variable :

val x : Any 

I know that it matches a mylist(i), but I don't know either the type of the Foo[_] located at mylist(i) or the type of x. Yet I'd like to do something like :


or in my mind (but this barely make sense in scala) :


How can I do that ?

I know there are plenty of post on subjects close to this one but I can't figure this out.


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