我们的 Postgres BDR 数据库系统停止在节点之间复制数据。
当我使用 进行检查时,pg_xlog_location_diff
SELECT slot_name, database, active, pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_insert_location(), restart_lsn) AS retained_bytes
FROM pg_replication_slots
WHERE plugin = 'bdr';
slot_name | database | active | retained_bytes
bdr_26702_6275336279642079463_1_20305__ | ourdatabase | f | 32253352
我还注意到该插槽被标记为 active=false。
SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots;
-[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------------------------
slot_name | bdr_26702_6275336279642079463_1_20305__
plugin | bdr
slot_type | logical
datoid | 26702
database | ourdatabase
active | f
xmin |
catalog_xmin | 8041
restart_lsn | 0/5F0C6C8
我提高了 Postgres 日志记录级别,但是我在日志中看到的只有消息:
LOCATION: LogicalIncreaseRestartDecodingForSlot, logical.c:886
DEBUG: 00000: updated xmin: 1 restart: 0
LOCATION: LogicalConfirmReceivedLocation, logical.c:958
DEBUG: 00000: failed to increase restart lsn: proposed 0/7DCE6F8, after 0/7DCE6F8, current candidate 0/7DCE6F8, current after 0/7DCE6F8, flushed up to 0/7DCE6F8