当我在 Simpy 中构建队列模型时,我希望有人能指出正确的方向。Simpy 网站上的文档和示例非常棒,我想看看我是否可以在他们提供的示例的基础上进行构建。
本质上,我正在模拟一个职员必须审查文书工作的过程。文书工作在随机时间间隔(很像 MM1 队列)以先进先出的服务规则到达和退出他的队列(即被服务)。
我发现的棘手部分是,我想对流程进行建模,以便职员在返回工作之前必须睡一段时间。例如,如果模拟运行“4 周”,那么在此期间店员应该每天睡 12 小时。我似乎无法让最后一个警告发挥作用。请看我下面的代码,谢谢!
import random
import simpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
RANDOM_SEED = 123456 #Random seed
INTERVAL_RECORDS = 30.0 #review records roughly every xx hours?
T_INTER = 28 #generate records roughly every xx hours?
SIM_TIME = WEEKS*7*24*60 #simulation time (hours?)
class record_review:
def __init__(self, env):
self.env = env
self.shift_exchange = env.event()
def record(env, interval, counter, data, t_inter):
"""Source generates records randomly"""
for i in range(1):
"""start off with x=i records in queue"""
c = review(env, 'Record%02d' % i, counter, time_in_queue=30.0)
t = random.expovariate(1.0 / interval) #set up random generation rate
yield env.timeout(t)
while True:
"""continually generate records throughout simulation"""
yield env.timeout(random.randint(t_inter-2, t_inter+2)) #generate record between +/- 2 of interal
i += 1
c = review(env, 'Record%02d' % i, counter, time_in_queue=30.0)
t = random.expovariate(1.0 / interval) #random generation rate
yield env.timeout(t)
def review(env, name, counter, time_in_queue):
"""Record arrives, is reviewed and exits."""
arrive = env.now
print('%7.4f %s: Record has entered queue' % (arrive, name))
with counter.request() as req:
yield req
wait = env.now - arrive #total wait time / record
tib = random.expovariate(1.0 / time_in_queue) #time in queue/review rate
yield env.timeout(tib)
data.append(wait) #monitor
print('%7.4f %s: Waited %6.3f' % (env.now, name, wait))
print('%7.4f %s: Finished' % (env.now, name))
def shift_exchange(self, env):
while True:
for i in range(SIM_TIME):
yield env.timeout(60)
self.shift_exchange = env.event()
# Setup and start the simulation
print('Batch Record Review Simulation')
env = simpy.Environment()
data = []
# Start processes and run
counter = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1)
env.process(record(env, INTERVAL_RECORDS, counter, data, T_INTER))