I installed SonarQube to help with code quality analysis. I set it up to run behind an Nginx reverse proxy using the instructions on their website. Often I have to wait exactly one minute to load a page. Upon investigation using Google Chrome Developer Tools, I saw that a resource was not loading for exactly one minute. Then, something times out and allows the page to continue to load. Here's a typical example of the problem, where some resources load at the beginning, then there's a one minute delay, then the rest of the page loads:

Typical delay

Sometimes the page loads without any delay.

At first I thought it might be a problem with some JavaScript. Here is an example of clicking around to many pages, and sorting by response time (to see resources might be causing the delay):

Many page loads

I then tried loading a static image, and even that intermittently takes a minute to load.

Intermittent long loads for logo

How can I pin down exactly what component is causing the delay? Could it be the reverse proxy? The SonarQube application? Some JVM problem?


1 回答 1


由于静态图像(此处为徽标)也会发生 100 万延迟,对 JVM 的影响最小,我建议对 Nginx 前端使用 curl -L -v 并直接使用 SQ HTTP 连接器。

如果连接到 SQ HTTP 连接器时从未发生 1mn 延迟,则应调查 Nginx / SQ 链接。

如果 SQ HTTP 连接器也发生 100 万延迟,则应调查 SQ JVM 和托管

于 2016-05-18T10:04:33.310 回答