my overall goal is recognition of similar, reflective and low-textured monochrome objects in a controlled museum-like-environment. These objects are well designed and visually appealing.

For my understanding this goal is too high aimed when i look at contemporary object and image recognition software like goggles, kooaba, tineye etc..

So i was thinking of placing little markers on the objects and identify the markers. In order to employ AR tracking software the markers need to be black/white and ugly. That would spoil the visual appearance of the objects i'd like to identify.

Do you know of any software that recognizes (arbitrary designed / visually appealing) markers in photographs?

Or; do you think this can be accomplished with openCV for iOS/android devices?


1 回答 1


您已经说出了护目镜、kooaba 等的主要问题:相似性、反射、低纹理区域。


是:护目镜、kooaba、tineye 等


例如,如果您的场景是在博物馆中,玻璃后面有黑白低纹理相似物体的图像,并且您不介意在图像旁边放置彩色标记,请尝试动物图片(类似漫画左右)。 .. 使用现代图像识别设置,您可以使用这些图片作为标记。或者像信息站一样放在物体旁边,上面有一些标记。

于 2011-09-02T22:33:07.480 回答