这是我将建议作为针对 xlutils 1.4.1 的补丁的代码使用示例
# coding: ascii
import xlrd, xlwt
# Demonstration of copy2 patch for xlutils 1.4.1
# Context:
# xlutils.copy.copy(xlrd_workbook) -> xlwt_workbook
# copy2(xlrd_workbook) -> (xlwt_workbook, style_list)
# style_list is a conversion of xlrd_workbook.xf_list to xlwt-compatible styles
# Step 1: Create an input file for the demo
def create_input_file():
wtbook = xlwt.Workbook()
wtsheet = wtbook.add_sheet(u'First')
colours = 'white black red green blue pink turquoise yellow'.split()
fancy_styles = [xlwt.easyxf(
'font: name Times New Roman, italic on;'
'pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour %s;'
% colour) for colour in colours]
for rowx in xrange(8):
wtsheet.write(rowx, 0, rowx)
wtsheet.write(rowx, 1, colours[rowx], fancy_styles[rowx])
# Step 2: Copy the file, changing data content
# ('pink' -> 'MAGENTA', 'turquoise' -> 'CYAN')
# without changing the formatting
from xlutils.filter import process,XLRDReader,XLWTWriter
# Patch: add this function to the end of xlutils/copy.py
def copy2(wb):
w = XLWTWriter()
return w.output[0][1], w.style_list
def update_content():
rdbook = xlrd.open_workbook('demo_copy2_in.xls', formatting_info=True)
sheetx = 0
rdsheet = rdbook.sheet_by_index(sheetx)
wtbook, style_list = copy2(rdbook)
wtsheet = wtbook.get_sheet(sheetx)
fixups = [(5, 1, 'MAGENTA'), (6, 1, 'CYAN')]
for rowx, colx, value in fixups:
xf_index = rdsheet.cell_xf_index(rowx, colx)
wtsheet.write(rowx, colx, value, style_list[xf_index])