I tried to use the DeviceMapModule and the DeviceMap2Module for simple mapping operations. To my surprise it is about 2x slower than writing the kernel by hand. For the hand written kernel I did not do anything special. I just copied the Getting Started Square kernel and modified it to do sigmoid.

Below is 2 versions of the code:

First the slow version:

type SigmoidModule(size) =
    inherit Module(size, size) // Note Module is my own abstract class that defines the forward/backward interface.

    [<ReflectedDefinition; AOTCompile>]
    let sigmoid' s y = (1.0f-s) * s * y

    [<ReflectedDefinition; AOTCompile>]
    let sigmoid x = 1.0f / (1.0f + __nv_expf (-x))

    let forwardMap = new DeviceMapModule<float32, float32>(GPUModuleTarget.DefaultWorker, <@ sigmoid @>)
    let backwardMap = new DeviceMap2Module<float32, float32, float32>(
                        GPUModuleTarget.DefaultWorker, <@ sigmoid' @>)

    let mutable activation = Matrix.ZeroCreate 1 size

    override m.Forward (fwd:Matrix) = 
        assert(fwd.Cols = size)
        if activation.Rows <> fwd.Rows then
            activation <- Matrix.ZeroCreate fwd.Rows fwd.Cols

        forwardMap.Map(activation.Data.Ptr, fwd.Data.Ptr, fwd.Cols * fwd.Rows)

    override m.Backward (dy:Matrix) = 
        assert(dy.Cols = size)
        assert(activation.Rows = dy.Rows)

        backwardMap.Map(activation.Data.Ptr, activation.Data.Ptr, dy.Data.Ptr, dy.Cols * dy.Rows)

    interface IDisposable with
        member m.Dispose() = 

Now the fast version:

type SigmoidModuleFast(size) =
inherit Module(size, size)
let sigmoid' s y = (1.0f-s) * s * y
let worker = Worker.Default

[<ReflectedDefinition; AOTCompile>]
static let sigmoidKernel (outputs:deviceptr<float32>) (inputs:deviceptr<float32>) n =
    let start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
    let stride = gridDim.x * blockDim.x
    let sigmoid x = 1.0f / (1.0f + __nv_expf (-x))

    let mutable i = start 
    while i < n do
        outputs.[i] <- sigmoid(inputs.[i])
        i <- i + stride

[<ReflectedDefinition; AOTCompile>]
static let sigmoidPrimeKernel (outputs:deviceptr<float32>) (input:deviceptr<float32>) (dy:deviceptr<float32>) n =
    let start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
    let stride = gridDim.x * blockDim.x

    let mutable i = start 
    while i < n do
        let s = input.[i]
        let y = dy.[i]
        outputs.[i] <- (1.0f-s) * s * y
        i <- i + stride

let mutable activation = Matrix.ZeroCreate 1 size
let mutable lp = LaunchParam(1, size)

override m.Forward (fwd:Matrix) = 
    assert(fwd.Cols = size)
    if activation.Rows <> fwd.Rows then
        activation <- Matrix.ZeroCreate fwd.Rows fwd.Cols
        let threads = fwd.Rows * fwd.Cols
        if threads < 1024 then
            lp <- LaunchParam(1, threads)
            let blockSize = 256
            let numSm = worker.Device.Attributes.MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT
            let gridSize = Math.Min(16 * numSm, divup threads blockSize)
            lp <- new LaunchParam(gridSize, blockSize)

    worker.Launch <@ sigmoidKernel @> lp activation.Data.Ptr fwd.Data.Ptr (fwd.Cols*fwd.Rows)

override m.Backward (dy:Matrix) = 
    assert(dy.Cols = size)
    assert(activation.Rows = dy.Rows)

    worker.Launch <@ sigmoidPrimeKernel @> lp activation.Data.Ptr activation.Data.Ptr dy.Data.Ptr (dy.Cols*dy.Rows)

interface IDisposable with
    member m.Dispose() = 

Here is some information about my system:

  • Name Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz
  • Architecture x64
  • Frequency 3,300 MHz
  • Number of Cores 4
  • Page Size 4,096
  • Total Physical Memory 8,050.00 MB
  • Available Physical Memory 902.00 MB
  • Hybrid Graphics Enabled False
  • Version Name Windows 10 Pro
  • Version Number 10.0.10586
  • Nsight Version
  • Visual Studio Version 14.0

  • GPU: NVidia GTX 980 Ti

  • .NET CLR: .NET 4.6.

1 回答 1


我不是 GPU 编程方面的专家,但有基本的了解。我在评估 Alea GPU 时看到了这个问题。

NVidia GTX 980 Ti 有 2816 个内核。blockSize 为 256,网格大小为 2816 / 256 = 11。

Alea Community/Basic Developer 库允许多达 2688 个内核。如果 Alea 库将 blockSize 设置为 256(这是一个猜测),则给出的 gridSize 为 10.5。

莫非是把工作一分为二?第一次运行饱和 2688 核心限制,然后其余运行在 2816 - 2688 = 128 核心上?

于 2016-05-22T11:07:46.390 回答