I'm trying to build a simple time series database in prometheus. I'm looking at financial time series data, and need somewhere to store the data to quickly access via Python. I'm loading the data into the time series via xml or .csvs, so this isn't some crazy "lots of data in and out at the same time" kind of project. I'm the only user, and maybe have a couple others use it in time and just want something thats easy to load data into, and pull out of.

I was hoping for some guidance on how to do this. Few questions:

1) Is it simple to pull data from a prometheus database via python? 2) I wanted to run this all locally off my windows machine, is that doable? 3) Am I completely overengineering this? (My worry with SQL is that it would be a mess to work with, as its large time series data sets)



1 回答 1


Prometheus 主要用于操作监控。虽然您可以让某些东西正常工作,但 Prometheus 不支持批量加载数据。


HTTP api应该易于使用。



3)我是否完全过度设计了这个?(我对 SQL 的担心是它会很乱,因为它的时间序列数据集很大)

我更想说 Prometheus 可能不是这里工作的正确工具。最多可以说 100GB,我认为 SQL 数据库是一个很好的起点。

于 2016-05-13T16:45:05.803 回答