I'm using the latest (v3) react-redux-starter-kit. Everything went fine, a new project is set up except the HMR: It does not reload, I can't see my changes. I checked the browser's console: [HMR] connected

After some more investigation I figured out that if I make the change inside the Vagrant box (logged in) HMR does work! So it must be a filesystem-level issue between the host machine (Mac OSX) and the Vagrant box.

Has anyone had this issue before?

UPDATE: I found and installed a Vagrant plugin called vagrant-notify-forwarder. Now it should be forwarding the fs events to the guest system. But HMR still out of order ... In this thread someone mentioned that only the ATTRIB changes are sent to the guest system. I'm not sure if thats enough for the HMR ...

UPDATE 2: I'm trying to set up another tool called Guard/Listen. If anybody knows how to use it that'd probably solve this question. But for me no luck so far ...


1 回答 1


我找到了解决办法!现在使用vagrant-notify-forwarder将 fs 事件转发到来宾系统。(起初,它不工作..我不得不尝试核心通知转发器来检查错误,结果发现它的客户端由于 gcc6 问题而没有在 Debian 上运行......在用 Ubuntu 尝试之后它终于工作)

于 2016-05-16T19:02:26.043 回答