Is there a way for a button to call a submenu?
I currently have a menu where if they select one of the options it opens a submenu, however I want to be able to start the submenu from the Button widget instead of the Menu object.
我不一定推荐这个,但我能够以编程方式调用子菜单。首先,在 onCreateOptionsMenu 的覆盖中,我将菜单参数存储到活动中的私有 Menu 变量中。然后,我可以从 onClick() 中简单地执行以下操作:
MyActivity.this.openOptionsMenu(); // activity's onCreateOptionsMenu gets called
optionsMenu.performIdentifierAction(, 0);
您可以使用活动上的 openOptionsMenu() 以编程方式从按钮打开活动,但您不能对子菜单执行相同操作。