I have a webapp running on Sun One WebServer and I would like to use jmap to dump the heap space memory. When I list the processes running on my server, no java processes are listed, but only webservd processes (controlled by Sun WebServer).

How do I use jmap with Sun WebServer 6.1 servers? I don't have access to the jvm's pid....

The syntax which I would like to use is:

jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.bin PID

where PID is the missing piece of information.


1 回答 1


我想我想通了。使用 jps -l -m 我可以获得活动 pid 编号的列表,然后我可以将它们与 webservd PID 进行比较,以确定要转储哪个。

于 2010-09-15T18:12:17.713 回答