I am compiling dlib 18.18
on Windows 10 for QT 5.6
with MinGW 4.9.2
I have read all recommendations (http://dlib.net/faq.html#Whyisdlibslow): AVX or SSE4 instructions, Release mode.
The example "webcam_face_pose_ex.exe" works like a charm and really fast.
The problem:
But when I use the frontal_face_detector under QT the framerate is really low.
640x480 ~170 ms
1920x1080 ~1100 ms
System configuration: Windows 10 (x64), Intel Core i5-3550, QT 5.6, OpenCV 3.1.0, MinGW 4.9.2
Tried all variations of using AVX/SSE4 instructions in dlib and opencv. But I think that it's something different - since the example is fast. Code used in QT is copy-pasted from the example as well, even without the GUI.
In Debug mode 640x480 frames take 6-7 seconds to process.
.pro file dump:
DIR_DLIB = "$${LIBSDIR}dlib/dlib18.18/"
LIBS += -luser32 -lws2_32 -lgdi32 -lcomctl32 -limm32 -lwinmm
INCLUDEPATH += "$${DIR_DLIB}include"
DEPENDPATH += "$${DIR_DLIB}include"
LIBS += -L"$${DIR_DLIB}lib"
LIBS += -ldlib