我从 Railsback 第 16 章的《基于代理和基于个体的建模》一书中获得了这段代码,但它不起作用,我不知道为什么。我是 NetLogo 的新手,软件在第 22 行显示“预期关键字”。(create-packs)
breed [dogs dog]
breed [packs pack]
breed [disperser-groups disperser-group]
packs-own [pack-members]
create-packs initial-num-packs
; set a location and shape just for display
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set shape "box"
; create the pack’s dogs
let num-dogs random-poisson initial-mean-pack-size
hatch-dogs num-dogs
; first, set display variables
set heading random 360
fd 1
; now assign dog state variables
ifelse random-bernoulli 0.5
[set sex "male"]
[set sex "female"]
set age random 7
set-my-status ; a dog procedure that sets
; social status from age
set my-pack myself ; set dog’s pack to the one
; creating it
] ; end of hatch-dogs
; Initialize the pack’s agentset that contains its dogs
set pack-members dogs with [my-pack = myself]
; show count pack-members ; Test output – off for now
; now select the alpha dogs
update-pack-alphas ; a pack procedure to give the
; pack 2 alphas
] ; end of create-packs
to go
if ticks > years-to-simulate [stop]
; First, age and status updates
ask dogs
set age age + 1
ask packs [update-pack-alphas]
; Second, reproduction
ask packs [reproduce]
; Third, dispersal
ask packs [disperse]
; Fourth, mortality
ask dogs [do-mortality]
; Fifth, mortality of collectives
ask packs [do-pack-mortality]
ask disperser-groups [if count group-members = 0 [die]]
; Sixth, pack formation
ask disperser-groups [do-pack-formation]
; Finally, produce output
to disperse ; a pack procedure
; First, identify the subordinates and stop if none
let my-subordinates pack-members with
[status = "subordinate"]
if not any? my-subordinates [stop]
; Now check females
if count my-subordinates with [sex = "female"] = 1
if random-bernoulli 0.5
my-subordinates with [sex = "female"]
if count my-subordinates with [sex = "female"] > 1
my-subordinates with [sex = "female"]
; And check males
if count my-subordinates with [sex = "male"] = 1
if random-bernoulli 0.5
my-subordinates with [sex = "male"]
if count my-subordinates with [sex = "male"] > 1
my-subordinates with [sex = "male"]
end ; to disperse
to create-disperser-group-from [some-dogs]
; a pack procedure
; "some-dogs" is an agentset of the dispersers
; First, create a disperser group and put the dogs in it
hatch-disperser-groups 1
; Set disperser group variables
set group-members some-dogs
set sex [sex] of one-of some-dogs
; Display the group
set shape "car"
set heading random 360
fd 2
; Now the disperser group sets the variables of the
; dispersing dogs
ask some-dogs
set my-disperser-group myself
set status "disperser"
set color green
; and display them in a line from the disperser group
move-to my-disperser-group
set heading [heading] of my-disperser-group
fd 1 + random-float 2
] ; end of ask some-dogs
] ; end of hatch-disperser-groups
; Finally, remove the dispersers from their former pack
let dogs-former-pack [my-pack] of one-of some-dogs
ask dogs-former-pack
[set pack-members pack-members with
[status != "disperser"]]
end ; to create-disperser-group-from