我有一个带有单个参数的通用类,它代表第三方 DLL 的元素,用于序列化 T 类对象。我想做的是在我的类中添加一个“脏”映射,并在我的元素的嵌套属性之一发生更改时懒惰地触发它。
是否可以在访问属性时捕获请求并确定正在更改的属性?如果正在执行 SET,我可以记录子属性 P 现在是脏的并且需要保存?或者至少有一个位表明某事发生了变化?
public class ResourceSerializer<T>
where T : Base, new()
T element;
Dictionary<String,Boolean> dirtyMap;
public T Element { get { return this.getElement(); } }
public Boolean IsDirty { get; private set; }
public ResourceSerializer()
dirtyMap = new Dictionary<string,bool>();
element = new T();
// code to reflect back upon T's Properties and build out the dirtyMap.
// I already can do this I just omitted it.
// in my Person example there would be keys: 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Age', 'Gender', 'PrimaryAddress'
// how can I call this programmatically?
void flagDirty(String property)
dirtyMap[property] = true;
this.IsDirty = true;
T getElement()
// In case I need to do a thing before returning the element.
// Not relevant to the question at hand.
return this.element;
'Base' 的一个高级示例。您可以看到我需要如何递归我的操作,因为并非所有内容都是原始的。我有一个记录所有这些 ResourceSerializer 对象的经理级别的类。
public class Base
public Base()
public enum gender
public class Address : Base
public String Street { get; set; }
public String State { get; set; }
public String Zip { get; set; }
public Address() : base()
public class Person : Base
public String FirstName { get; set; }
public String LastName { get; set; }
public Int16 Age { get; set; }
public gender Gender { get; set; }
public Address PrimaryAddress { get; set; }
public Person() : base()
public class Patient : Person
public Person PrimaryContact { get; set; }
public Patient() : base()
public class DoThing
public DoThing()
ResourceSerializer<Person> person = new ResourceSerializer<Person>();
person.Element.Age = 13; // catch this and mark 'Age' as dirty.