我的 XML 短标记文件
<b233>Publishers Code</b233>
<b018>Critical Teaching</b018>
<b203>Creative Approaches to the Curriculum in Primary Foreign Languages</b203>
<b233>critical.stisontest.co.uk Content ID</b233>
<b036>Louise Pagden</b036>
<b037>Pagden, Louise</b037>
<b233>www.stisonbooks.com Author ID</b233>
<b044><p><strong>Louise Pagden is a senior lecturer in teacher development at the University of Winchester where she lectures in primary languages. She has many years of experience in this field, first as a primary school teacher and languages subject leader and later as a primary languages consultant in Hampshire. During her time there she was involved in the implementation of primary languages in the 350 primary schools in the county. Louise has taught in Spain, Argentina, Mexico and India. Her research interests lie in immersion teaching and content and language integrated learning. </strong></p></b044>
<b070>Teacher training</b070>
<b070>Teaching skills & techniques</b070>
<b070>Primary Foreign Languages</b070>
<b070>Primary languages; Language teaching; Foreign languages</b070>
<d104><p>This book enables trainee and qualified teachers to embrace a more creative approach to primary language teaching. The first part of the book focuses on key language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar and phonics, while the second part examines a range of different pedagogical approaches to language teaching, including flipped learning, CLIL, ICT and overseas partnerships. Each chapter includes links to the national curriculum objectives and the Key Stage 2 framework for languages, notes on progression and assessment, implications for transition and a detailed case study demonstrating the skill or approach in practice. In addition the text critically explores up-to-date theory and research, making clear links between theory and practice. </p>
<othertext><d102>02</d102><d103>02</d103><d104><p>An up to date text for trainee and qualified primary teachers promoting a more creative approach to primary language teaching. </p>
<p><strong>PART 1: Key skills</strong></p>
<p><span>1. Speaking and listening</span></p>
<p><span>2. Reading </span></p>
<p><span>3. Writing</span></p>
<p><span>4. Getting to grips with grammar</span></p>
<p><span>5. Phonics</span></p>
<p><strong>PART 2: Contexts for learning</strong></p>
<p><span>6. Cross-curricular links: music and arts; drama and role play</span></p>
<p><span>7. CLIL and immersion</span></p>
<p><span>8. Languages in the digital age</span></p>
<p><span>9. Enquiry based learning</span></p>
<p><span>10. Partnerships and exchanges</span></p>
<p><em>Key websites and sources of support</em></p>
<p>This book enables trainee and qualified teachers to embrace a more creative approach to primary language teaching. The first part of the book focuses on key language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar and phonics, while the second part examines a range of different pedagogical approaches to language teaching, including flipped learning, CLIL, ICT and overseas partnerships. Each chapter includes links to the national curriculum objectives and the Key Stage 2 framework for languages, notes on progression and assessment, implications for transition and a detailed case study demonstrating the skill or approach in practice. In addition the text critically explores up-to-date theory and research, making clear links between theory and practice. </p>
<b079>Critical Publishing</b079>
<b081>Critical Publishing</b081>
<j137>NBN International</j137>
<j137>International Specialized Book Services</j137>
我创建了一个文件夹,并将 xml 文件和 jar 文件放入其中。为了进行转换,我找到了一个名为 Saxon.jar 的 jar。我打开了我的命令提示符,因为我来到了我放置文件的任何地方。
E:\Arunselvan> java -jar saxon9.jar "criticalonix.xml" switch-onix-tagnames-2.0.xsl result-document="" dtd-path ="ONIX_BookProduct_3.0_reference.dtd" 如果我给出这个错误将会出现我是:错误的参数 = 命令行上的值对。我用这个放置了命令提示符图像
我的屏幕截图在这里 短标签到引用标签转换的屏幕截图
我希望输出文件像这样 Reference tag-names
<TitleText>Everyday Evangelism</TitleText>
<SubTitle> Practical Tips to Use Today</SubTitle>
<PersonName>Laura Yang </PersonName>
<PersonNameInverted>Yang, Laura</PersonNameInverted>
<NamesBeforeKey>Laura </NamesBeforeKey>
<IllustrationTypeDescription>1:B&amp;W 5.5 x 8.5 in or 216 x 140 mm (Demy 8vo) Perfect Bound on Creme w/Gloss Lam</IllustrationTypeDescription>
<MainSubject />
<SubjectHeadingText>Religion : Christian Life - Personal Growth</SubjectHeadingText>
<SubjectHeadingText>Religion : Christian Life - Relationships</SubjectHeadingText>
<SubjectHeadingText>Religion : Christian Life - Spiritual Growth</SubjectHeadingText>
<Text textformat="02"><![CDATA[<p>Written by an "everyday" Christian, this book contains simple, straightforward suggestions for sharing your faith. Everyday Evangelism empowers you to tell others about Christ today.<p>
<p>Discover new ideas and practical ways to share the gospel in your daily life. Interspersed with scripture, the tips are grouped into eleven categories-for example: "Super Simple," "Critical Conversation," and "Often-Forgotten."<p>
<p>Experience the exhilarating joy that God intends for you by sharing the gospel. Use Everyday Evangelism as a tool to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit within you to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19).</p>]]></Text>
<ImprintName>Westbow Press</ImprintName>
<SupplierName>Lightning Source Inc.</SupplierName>