i am new to Mac OS X. Currently, i want to place a localhost on my brother OS X and host php files for him. I made a php that can take a picture and save it directly to the folder. The code is working on my windows 7 PC and i can use it normally. However, it is not working in the OS X as it always failed to store the photo in the folder locally. My code to save the picture is:
require('includes/connect.php'); // Connect to database
$rmid = $_GET['id']; // Get product ID
// Fetch photo only if product id is not empty
if (!empty($rmid)) {
$rawData = $_POST['imgBase64'];
echo "<img src='".$rawData."' />"; // Show photo
list($type, $rawData) = explode(';', $rawData);
list(, $rawData) = explode(',', $rawData);
$unencoded = base64_decode($rawData);
$filename = date('dmYHi').'_'.rand(1111,9999).'_'.$rmid.'.jpg'; // Set a filename
file_put_contents("/foto/$filename", base64_decode($rawData)); // Save photo to folder
// Update database with the new filename
mysqli_query($conn,"INSERT INTO foto(rmid,namafoto) VALUES ('$rmid','".$filename."')");
} else {
die('Rekam Medis ID is missing!');
I have already created the 'foto' folder inside the php folder. And i have given whole Read & Write permission to the folder. I am not sure why the photo is not stored inside the foto folder. But the query is working to store the filename to the database.
Added information: i am using XAMPP with PHP 7.0
Thanks for your help!