如果我理解正确的话,呼唤if (exists $ref->{A}->{B}->{$key}) { ... }就会出现$ref->{A}$ref->{A}->{B}即使它们之前不存在if



5 回答 5




sub check_hash {
   my( $hash, $keys ) = @_;

   return unless @$keys;

   foreach my $key ( @$keys ) {
       return unless eval { exists $hash->{$key} };
       $hash = $hash->{$key};

   return 1;


use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

sub check_hash {
   my( $hash, $keys ) = @_;

   return unless @$keys;

   foreach my $key ( @$keys ) {
       return unless eval { exists $hash->{$key} };
       $hash = $hash->{$key};

   return 1;

my %hash = (
   a => {
       b => {
           c => {
               d => {
                   e => {
                       f => 'foo!',
                   f => 'foo!',
           f => 'foo!',
           g => 'goo!',
           h => 0,
       f => [ qw( foo goo moo ) ],
       g => undef,
   f => sub { 'foo!' },

my @paths = (
   [ qw( a b c d     ) ], # true
   [ qw( a b c d e f ) ], # true
   [ qw( b c d )       ], # false
   [ qw( f b c )       ], # false
   [ qw( a f )         ], # true
   [ qw( a f g )       ], # false
   [ qw( a g )         ], # true
   [ qw( a b h )       ], # false
   [ qw( a )           ], # true
   [ qw( )             ], # false

say Dumper( \%hash ); use Data::Dumper; # just to remember the structure    
foreach my $path ( @paths ) {
   printf "%-12s --> %s\n", 
       join( ".", @$path ),
       check_hash( \%hash, $path ) ? 'true' : 'false';


a.b.c.d      --> true
a.b.c.d.e.f  --> true
b.c.d        --> false
f.b.c        --> false
a.f          --> true
a.f.g        --> false
a.g          --> true
a.b.h        --> true
a            --> true
             --> false

现在,您可能想要进行其他检查而不是exists. 也许您想检查所选路径上的值是否为真,或者是一个字符串,或者另一个哈希引用,或者其他什么。验证路径存在后,只需提供正确的检查即可。在此示例中,我传递了一个子例程引用,它将检查我留下的值。我可以检查任何我喜欢的东西:

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

sub check_hash {
    my( $hash, $sub, $keys ) = @_;

    return unless @$keys;

    foreach my $key ( @$keys ) {
        return unless eval { exists $hash->{$key} };
        $hash = $hash->{$key};

    return $sub->( $hash );

my %hash = (
    a => {
        b => {
            c => {
                d => {
                    e => {
                        f => 'foo!',
                    f => 'foo!',
            f => 'foo!',
            g => 'goo!',
            h => 0,
        f => [ qw( foo goo moo ) ],
        g => undef,
    f => sub { 'foo!' },

my %subs = (
    hash_ref  => sub {   ref $_[0] eq   ref {}  },
    array_ref => sub {   ref $_[0] eq   ref []  },
    true      => sub { ! ref $_[0] &&   $_[0]   },
    false     => sub { ! ref $_[0] && ! $_[0]   },
    exist     => sub { 1 },
    foo       => sub { $_[0] eq 'foo!' },
    'undef'   => sub { ! defined $_[0] },

my @paths = (
    [ exist     => qw( a b c d     ) ], # true
    [ hash_ref  => qw( a b c d     ) ], # true
    [ foo       => qw( a b c d     ) ], # false
    [ foo       => qw( a b c d e f ) ], # true
    [ exist     => qw( b c d )       ], # false
    [ exist     => qw( f b c )       ], # false
    [ array_ref => qw( a f )         ], # true
    [ exist     => qw( a f g )       ], # false
    [ 'undef'   => qw( a g )         ], # true
    [ exist     => qw( a b h )       ], # false
    [ hash_ref  => qw( a )           ], # true
    [ exist     => qw( )             ], # false

say Dumper( \%hash ); use Data::Dumper; # just to remember the structure    
foreach my $path ( @paths ) {
    my $sub_name = shift @$path;
    my $sub = $subs{$sub_name};
    printf "%10s --> %-12s --> %s\n", 
        join( ".", @$path ),
        check_hash( \%hash, $sub, $path ) ? 'true' : 'false';


     exist --> a.b.c.d      --> true
  hash_ref --> a.b.c.d      --> true
       foo --> a.b.c.d      --> false
       foo --> a.b.c.d.e.f  --> true
     exist --> b.c.d        --> false
     exist --> f.b.c        --> false
 array_ref --> a.f          --> true
     exist --> a.f.g        --> false
     undef --> a.g          --> true
     exist --> a.b.h        --> true
  hash_ref --> a            --> true
     exist -->              --> false
于 2010-09-14T04:32:29.657 回答

您可以使用autovivification 杂注来停用引用的自动创建:

use strict;
use warnings;
no autovivification;

my %foo;
print "yes\n" if exists $foo{bar}{baz}{quux};

print join ', ', keys %foo;


于 2010-09-13T12:21:26.677 回答


if (exists $ref->{A} and exists $ref->{A}{B} and exists $ref->{A}{B}{$key}) {


于 2010-09-13T11:54:13.813 回答


use Data::Diver qw(Dive);

my $ref = { A => { foo => "bar" } };
my $value1 = Dive($ref, qw(A B), $key);
my $value2 = Dive($ref, qw(A foo));
于 2010-09-13T15:18:52.623 回答

非常难看,但是如果 $ref 是一个复杂的表达式,您不想在重复存在测试中使用它:

if ( exists ${ ${ ${ $ref || {} }{A} || {} }{B} || {} }{key} ) {
于 2010-09-13T13:36:18.863 回答