最后我得到了以下解决方案。仍然远未达到最佳状态,但它确实有效。即使在gbacon 所描述的情况下也是如此。
use Carp qw( confess );
use IPC::Run;
use Scalar::Util;
use Time::HiRes;
# Invokes the given program with the given input and argv, and returns stdout/stderr.
# The first argument provided is the input for the program. It is an arrayref
# containing one or more of the following:
# * A scalar is simply passed to the program as stdin
# * An arrayref in the form [ "prompt", "input" ] causes the function to wait
# until the program prints "prompt", then spools "input" to its stdin
# * An arrayref in the form [ 0.3, "input" ] waits 0.3 seconds, then spools
# "input" to the program's stdin
sub capture_with_input {
my ($program, $inputs, @argv) = @_;
my ($stdout, $stderr);
my $stdin = '';
my $process = IPC::Run::start( [$program, @argv], \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr );
foreach my $input (@$inputs) {
if (ref($input) eq '') {
$stdin .= $input;
elsif (ref($input) eq 'ARRAY') {
(scalar @$input == 2) or
confess "Input to capture_with_input must be of the form ['prompt', 'input'] or [timeout, 'input']!";
my ($prompt_or_timeout, $text) = @$input;
if (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($prompt_or_timeout)) {
my $start_time = [ Time::HiRes::gettimeofday ];
$process->pump_nb() while (Time::HiRes::tv_interval($start_time) < $prompt_or_timeout);
else {
$prompt_or_timeout = quotemeta $prompt_or_timeout;
$process->pump until $stdout =~ m/$prompt_or_timeout/gc;
$stdin .= $text;
else {
confess "Unknown input type passed to capture_with_input!";
return ($stdout, $stderr);
my $input = [
"First Line\n",
["Perl read:", "Second Line\n"],
[0.5, "Third Line\n"],
print "Executing process...\n";
my ($stdout, $stderr) = capture_with_input('./read.pl', $input);
print "done.\n";
print "STDOUT:\n", $stdout;
print "STDERR:\n", $stderr;
使用示例(稍微修改 read.pl 来测试 gbacon 的情况):
$ time ./spool_read4.pl
Executing process...
Perl read: First Line
And here's what head -n1 gets: Second Line
Perl read again: Third Line
./spool_read4.pl 0.54s user 0.02s system 102% cpu 0.547 total