现在可以通过使用新的Microsoft App Dev Portal并按照此处的说明进行操作(具有应用程序权限) 。或者,如果您在 Azure 门户中创建(注册)您的应用程序,则必须使用 X509 证书而不是共享密钥(客户端密钥)。至少对我来说,最有用的资源是:
这里有一些 python 代码(用于第二种情况),它生成一个 url 供用户访问,因此她可以授权您的应用程序,并请求访问令牌:
import calendar
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import jwt
from jwt.exceptions import InvalidTokenError
from oauthlib.common import generate_nonce, generate_token
from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
import requests
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
import uuid
def to_unix(obj):
if isinstance(obj, datetime):
if obj.utcoffset() is not None:
obj = obj - obj.utcoffset()
millis = calendar.timegm(obj.timetuple()) + obj.microsecond / 1e6
return millis
def validate_id_token(token):
'''Validates the given id token.
token (str): An encoded ID token.
The decoded token which is a dict.
# Extract kid from token header
header = jwt.get_unverified_header(token)
except InvalidTokenError as e:
raise Exception('No valid id token provided.')
kid = header.get('kid', '')
if not kid:
raise Exception("Unable to find 'kid' claim in token header.")
# Fetch public key info
url = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/discovery/keys'
response = requests.get(url)
except RequestException as e:
raise Exception('Failed to get public key info: %s' % e)
if not response.ok:
raise Exception('Failed to get public key info: %s' %
public_keys = response.json().get('keys', [])
# Find public key, used to sign id token
public_key = None
for k in public_keys:
if kid == k['kid']:
public_key = k['x5c'][0]
if not public_key:
raise Exception("Unable to find public key for given kid '%s'" % kid)
# Verify id token signature
# NOTE: The x5c value is actually a X509 certificate. The public key
# could also be generated from the n (modulos) and e (exponent) values.
# But that's more involved.
cert_string = ('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
public_key +
'\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----').encode('UTF-8')
cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(
cert_string, default_backend())
except ValueError as e:
raise Exception('Failed to load certificate for token signature'
'verification: %s' % e)
public_key = cert.public_key()
decoded = jwt.decode(token, public_key, audience=self.key)
except InvalidTokenError as e:
raise Exception('Failed to decode token: %s' % e)
return decoded
def generate_client_assertion(tenant_id, fp_hash, private_key, private_key_passphrase):
"""Generate a client assertion (jwt token).
This token is required to fetch an oauth app-only access token.
fp_hash (str): Base64 encoded SHA1 has of certificate fingerprint
private_key (str): Private key used to sign the jwt token
tenant_id (str): The tenant to which this token is bound.
On success a tuple of the client assertion and the token type
valid_from = str(int(ts.to_unix(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(0, 1))))
expires_at = str(int(ts.to_unix(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(7))))
jwt_payload = {
'aud': ('https://login.microsoftonline.com/%s/'
'oauth2/token' % tenant_id),
'iss': client_id,
'sub': client_id,
'jti': str(uuid.uuid1()),
'nbf': valid_from,
'exp': expires_at,
headers = {
'x5t': fp_hash
if not private_key_passphrase:
secret = private_key
secret = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
str(private_key), password=str(private_key_passphrase),
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('Failed to load private key: %s' % e)
client_assertion = jwt.encode(jwt_payload, secret,
algorithm='RS256', headers=headers)
except ValueError as e:
raise Exception('Failed to encode jwt_payload: %s' % e)
client_assertion_type = ('urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:'
return client_assertion, client_assertion_type
def generate_auth_url(client_id, redirect_uri):
nonce = generate_nonce()
state = generate_token()
query_params = {
'client_id': client_id,
'nonce': nonce,
'prompt': 'admin_consent',
'redirect_uri': redirect_uri,
'response_mode': 'fragment',
'response_type': 'id_token',
'scope': 'openid',
'state': state
tenant = 'common'
auth_url = ('https://login.microsoftonline.com/%s'
'/oauth2/authorize?%s') % (tenant, urllib.urlencode(query_params))
return nonce, auth_url
def get_access_token(client_id, id_token, nonce=None):
'''id_token is returned w/ the url after the user authorized the app'''
decoded_id_token = validate_id_token(id_token)
# Compare the nonce values, to mitigate token replay attacks
if not nonce:
raise Exception("No nonce value provided.")
elif nonce != decoded_id_token['nonce']:
raise Exception("Nonce values don't match!")
# Prepare the JWT token for fetching an access token
tenant_id = decoded_id_token['tid']
client_assertion, client_assertion_type = generate_client_assertion(tenant_id)
# Fetch the access token
client = BackendApplicationClient(self.key)
oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client)
resource = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/'
url = https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token
query_params = {
'client_id': client_id,
'client_assertion': client_assertion,
'client_assertion_type': client_assertion_type,
'resource': resource
fetch_token_response = oauth.fetch_token(url, **query_params)
except Exception as e:
raise Exception('Failed to obtain access token: %s' % e)
return fetch_token_response