我正在编写一个程序,该程序会生成一个介于 1 到 1,000 之间的随机数。然后它使用三个线程的线程池来搜索更广泛的 1 到 1,000 范围内的某些数字范围。线程检查其范围内的每个数字,并将其与随机目标数字进行比较,如果匹配,则向控制台发送消息。如果数字不匹配,这也会反映在发送到控制台的消息中。我试图弄清楚一旦达到目标数字如何结束程序,即使已经找到目标也不会继续分析数字。谢谢你。
这是 FindIt 类:
/** fill in later */
public class FindIt extends Thread
private int numToFind;
private int numToStart;
private int numToEnd;
public FindIt( int nF, int nS, int nE )
numToFind = nF;
numToStart = nS;
numToEnd = nE;
public void run()
int counter = 0;
int numAt = numToStart;
for ( int i = 0; i < ( numToEnd - numToStart ) + 1; i++ )
if ( counter == 10 )
counter = 0;
if ( numAt++ == numToFind )
System.out.println( "The target number, " + numToFind + ", has been found by " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "." );
System.out.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " has analyzed the number " + ( numAt - 1 ) + " - not the target number." );
这是带有 main 方法的程序:
import java.util.Random; //imports Java's Random class
import java.util.concurrent.*;
/** fill in later */
public class NumberSearch
public static void main( String [] args )
Random r = new Random(); //creates an instance of the Random class
int randomNum = r.nextInt( 1001 ); //declares the integer randomNum and initilizes it to be a random interger in the range 0 inclusive to 1001 exclusive
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( 3 );
FindIt find1 = new FindIt( randomNum, 0, 349);
FindIt find2 = new FindIt( randomNum, 350, 699);
FindIt find3 = new FindIt( randomNum, 700, 1000);
executor.execute( find1 );
executor.execute( find2 );
executor.execute( find3 );